let it be

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WHAT?! we both chorused our selves

yes and My dad  he, he. Kris cried remembering what happened

ahh molla

please lets get through all of this.

"kris i think its good if we stop looking at eachother now". i said

"no jannelle no, you know I love you so much"

"I do too but its for our own marriage sake. i am truly sorry yifan " i said as i cry and leave him behind

as i was about to leave him he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug I was controlling my tears but when he hugged me tightly my eyes became teary until it shed a tear. we both cried staying at the beach at night linking palms and just feel the calm night.

"I hope its just a dream yifan" I sighed

"me too janny" he replied

"I am going to meet my so called fiance next week. " he said

"me to  though " I replied

"You know what lets just enjoy this night and days left together" THE PARTY of your company Remember? our acts? " he said

"you know what your right. I love you WuYiFan"

"I love you too Kim Jannelle "

we kissed each other and let lord decide our future.

EXO in your house. [EDITING/Completed]Where stories live. Discover now