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This is a new story, I really hope you enjoy it too. I suck at cover making so don't judge my cover.

Julia rested her hands on her knees in a bent position. She was so tired, her feet hurt, her stomach was grumbling and she was so sweaty. She had walked for so long and evening was closing in. She either had to find a job or look for a free place to spend the night. That meant sleeping outside for the fifth time. Her back was aching non stop. For the past four days since she had arrived in France, she had been sleeping on the streets and also in fear. Being in a foreign country where people looked at you like you were going to jump on them any second, where you couldn't understand the local language and also for fear of being found by the people you were running away from. She couldn't go back home because, one, she didn't have her passport anymore, two, no money left, and three, she couldn't just return.

The friends she had come with had accepted their fate when they realised they were going to work as prostitutes but Julia had sworn that over her dead body would she work such a job willingly. She had then escaped and left her passport behind and now She knew they were tailing her.

She closed her eyes and prayed silently, "Dear God. Please help me this time. Only this once. I am so tired and hungry. I need you." She then stood straight and started heading to her left, she didn't know any name of any place here but as she trudged on, she saw a lone house. You wouldn't call that a house now would you? She stood straight and gazed in wonder. Her house back home had five rooms, but this one tripled it. It was hidden behind tall trees and looked totally unkept. There were vines going around the trees which needed trimming. Maybe I can spend a night here. She thought to herself, the house looked uninhabited, talk about instant miracles, she gave a thankful prayer and moved forward, opening a small rusty gate, looked around, and with a big grin matched on towards the house.

She reached the door knob and turned it. Her heart beating frantically in her chest, it opened. Oh my God it opened. Thank you God. She entered, it was pitchblack inside, she closed the door and started to walk near the wall, her hand reaching out against the wall, searching for a switch, she frowned when she couldn't find anything, then she felt it. A sound of a click, then a cold steel on her forehead.

"Ne remuez pas." The voice was cold and scratchy.

She didn't understand what he had said but she knew that if she moved, it would be the end of her life. The light came on suddenly and Julia looked up and up and up until her gaze fell on hair, she frowned, where those beards? c'mon, didn't someone know how to shave, or had she reached come face to face with uncivilization? She didn't think but fainted in a heap at the rugged hobo's feet.

what the heck? imagine being sure you are finally have a bed for a night only to land into a French hillybilly ...

This is another of my stories, please enjoy. I am not a professional, I'm just a dreamer and I love to put my dreams on paper.

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