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"Why would you hide from him?" Mary asked bewildered.

"I was angry okay, and I didn't want to look at him," Julia answered.

"You are so stupid my friend, So he left the country and you don't know when he's gonna be back?"

"Yeah and thanks I feel stupid too," she said wincing. She would talk to Louie to tell her where he went and she would call him and they'll talk.

"You'll be fine, let's just go, I'm sure that driver guy is waiting for you," Mary said and the two ladies went outside, and right on time, there was Louie leaning against the car. Julia sighed and went to him, She avoided his glare and just sat in the passenger seat, she had a lot of questions going on in her mind.

"When did Janelle start working here? " She asked.

"Two years now," Louie answered honestly.

"What, and why didn't anyone tell me?" she asked.

"We didn't know you needed to know her whereabouts,"

"Now don't be funny, Louie, I'm not in the mood," She grumbled.

"Neither am I sweets, and neither is Leon,"

"Do I have to be reminded? Just please take me home," she said.

"No caf...."

"No, straight home, Louie, my head hurts," She leant back and closed her eyes. She didn't even know what was happening around her.

"We are home,"

"Oh, thank God, thanks Louie," she said and went out of the car. Tomorrow was Saturday, she would sleep until kingdom come. She entered the house and after greeting Nana, she went straight for her room, which ofcoarse was filled with Leon's scent because he had refused to sleep in his room as she had refused to sleep there. She fell on the bed and closed her eyes, she had a feeling that Janelle was up to something, the woman hated her for whatever reason Julia didn't know.

After relentless tossing and turning, Julia sat up in bed, She hadn't even asked Louie where Leon had gone, she decided to ask Nana, the woman obviously knew. Julia got up and went downstairs, she found Nana in the kitchen, preparing dinner. "Nana, can I talk to you?" She really missed her mum.

"What is it, dear, come sit," The old lady smiled at her, pointing to a seat. Julia sighed and walked over.

"Where did Leon go?" She asked.

"He didn't tell you?" Nana was surprised.

"No, we kinda disagreed on something and I didn't get time to ask him," Julia admitted.

"Oh honey, he'll come back, don't worry, he just went to China, some urgent matters he has to attend to, you know, about his work." Nana said.

"Oh, okay, I was just so angry he told me at the last minute," she mumbled.

"Oh, don't worry baby, you can call him, his phone never goes off," Nana reassured her.

"Thanks Nana, you are amazing," Julia hugged the old woman who smiled. She loved this girl at first sight, maybe if it hadn't been for her, her Leo wouldn't have returned soon enough.

"Your welcome, honey," Nana replied.

"You need some help, I can..." Julia started but Nana cut her off.

"Go on, go and talk to Leo," Nana motioned her out of the kitchen. Julia smiled and went back to her room, She met Janelle who smiled at her slyly, when Julia reached her room, She locked the door and got out her phone. Leon's number to her relief, went through and he picked at the first ring.

"Baby, where did you go?" He asked and she frowned.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I came to your workplace and you weren't there, I was so worried,"

"Well, I was somewhere," she answered awkwardly. There was silence at Leon's end, then.

"I see," he answered crisply

"Umm, when are you coming back?" She asked softly.

"I'm not yet sure, maybe in two weeks,"

"Okay, I'm gonna miss you so much,"

"Me too," his voice had an edge to it, Julia noted but didn't put it to mind, "I gotta go, I'll call you." he hang up without saying bye. Julia frowned at her phone, well that was awkward. She hadn't expected it to go like that. Maybe her hiding stunt really made him mad.

Leon leant back against his seat and sighed. He had gone to her office for different reasons, he wanted her to come with him or to assure her he would return quickly, but he had found her gone out with a guy in a blue shirt? shit He was never putting on color blue, ever again. He now officially hated it, she had confirmed that what Janelle had said was true by her awkward answer. well, I was somewhere, that's what she said, probably with blue shirted boy.

He cursed, he wanted to calm down, thank God He was alone on his plane or else people would have been giving him weird gazes. When he returns, he was not letting her out of his sight again, He couldn't bare betrayal a second time. He would kill this one himself, well last time his best friend had done it for him. He refused his mind to wonder back to what happened with Viollette. How he had found her asking his best friend on the phone, what she would do and that was after he had received the pictures of the two.

That night he hadn't waited to listen to explanations, he had the proof, he had found her whispering to him on the phone, what more did he want, only he hadn't expected her to call him a fool and her going to their daughter's room and taking her to their car and driving off. Then the hospital had called, calling him over, only his best friend had survived with fractured ribs and permanent amnesia. How could he even start to confront a man who couldn't remember a thing? He had walked out then and after the burial of his family, He had left for his country house. He lived with not knowing how his family had died, were they all going away? He shook his head when his assistant told him to secure his seatbelt.


"Nester, did you do what I instructed?" Janelle asked Nester on the phone.

"Yeah, I did, you know, one can't believe how many replicas of themselves they can find if they decide to search," Nester laughed.

"Whatever, don't care, as long as it looks convincing you are safe," Janelle said and hung up. She was so going to get rid of that stupid woman. If she was expecting to glide into leon's life just like that and be on top, she was so mistaken. She never liked Viollette and she didn't like Julia too. She knew Leon had trust issues and she would play with that.

dang, what is this chick planning? I am scared and getting goosebumps. ..yuck.

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