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Dang, all you guys voting and commenting on my story like crazy, I love u and never stop being amazing!! mwah mwah, oh no, give me back my kisses.

Julia heard Leon's office door open, she looked at her watch, he had come in at 8:00am. That had given her time to prepare for everything, his coffee awaited him, the conference room was set, all work typed, approved and printed, waiting for the board meeting, in other words, she was good to be or rather to sleep because hot damn, she felt so sleep deprived, she needed a 30 year vacation. 9am came and she got out and gave Sophia the documents she had printed, since Sophia was the Secretary, she had to be there and take notes of the meeting. 

Julia went back to her office and started watching movies with her earphones on, what, she had nothing to do, relax, she watched Deadpool (yah, cuz that's my best marvel movie ever) and was laughing her ass off, She didn't hear the knockout at the door because she was at her favorite part when Ryan Reynolds said, "What are you doing?" wait what? that was so not Reynolds, I mean his voice wasn't as attracti... what? she looked up suddenly and cringed, Leon was glaring down at her, uh oh, she minimised the window and turned to him innocently.

"Umm, nothing? Did you want anything, Sir?" She added when she remembered that she was supposed to be serious with him, remember Julia, the guy who broke your trust?

"I am sure I found you watching Deadpool," Leon said lightly, he didn't want to scare her, but he wanted them to talk and come to terms, yeah like it's a business between you, his conscious scoffed, "Ah, I need to talk to you,"

"Is it business related, Sir?" Her face immediately changed to a serious one.

"No, I..."

"Then there's nothing to talk about, oh will you see that, it's time for...."

"Nothing Julia, you have nothing to do now, please listen to me,"

"I'm not listening to anything, I'm sorry but I will believe none of your words, because you say one thing and do another thing, I..."

"That's not the way it is, Julia, I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry for not trusting you, I'm sorry that I embarrassed you, took you for granted, I'm sorry for any pain I've caused you, but baby, I love you,"

Julia gasped and her mouth fell open, oh no the sucker did not just say those words, she felt like slapping him but oh no, that wouldn't solve a thing, "How dare you?" She seethed and Leon's eyes widened in surprise, "Oh what, you expected me to say the words back? You hypocrite, I'm sorry but it's not in me to say what I don't mean, because right now, the truth is I'm even starting to hate you," Julia lowered her voice, "How can you find it in You to say those words when just yesterday you were with another woman and now,"

"Julia, no, that's not the way it was, no," he had suddenly lost his voice, he wouldn't have told her to make a reservation.

"I saw you, don't try to deny it," her voice was breaking.

"You saw me?" Leon was confused.

"Yes, first I made that reservation for you, then I waited and you came back late and your clothes in disarray and your hair...." she couldn't continue, she had felt so jealous that another woman had touched even his hair, that was her favorite part for her fingers.

"Julia, you should lis..." The sound of a phone ringing interrupted him, he paused and debated about receiving the call or not.

"You should get that," Julia's voice was hard, Leon shook his head.

"No Julia, I want to finish this once and for all,"

"Finish it?" Julia was suddenly scared, did he want to finally let her go?

"Yes, Julia, I want to end it," he said looking deeply in her eyes begging her to believe him but instead, she burst into tears, oh God what have I now said? He wanted to make her happy and here She was crying like crazy. Julia couldn't believe it, men were so deceitful, one moment he was telling her He loved her and the next moment he wanted to end everything?  Her phone rang, She looked at it, Nana Camille was calling, what did Nana want, "It's Nana," she said through her tears.

"Pick it, she was the caller earlier," Leon said painfully, he wanted to take her in his arms so much but he wasn't sure she would let him.

"Hallo," she said into the phone, "Janelle?" her voice suddenly hardened and then panicked, "What, Nana, where, where is she?" She turned to Leon suddenly,  "It's Nana, she collapsed, they are at Du Pierre Hospital," Leon sprang into action immediately.

"Let's go," He called Louie, who thank goodness was just outside and he rushed them to the hospital. They reached and at the reception, were directed to Nana's room, a doctor stopped them midway, "Sorry, family only," he said his eyes directed towards Julia.

"Uh, I'll stay here, " Julia said.

"The fuck your staying, she's my wife, she goes anywhere I go," Leon challenged the doctor to Julia's dismay. They went to the room and there she was, the old woman lay unconsciously on the bed with an oxygenated mask to her face, "What happened?" Leon asked Janelle who lay her head in her hands.

"She fainted,"


"I don't know, I was..."

"Shut up, I've tolerated you long enough you spoilt brat, tell me the truth now or so help me God I'll make you sorry,"

"You can't do anything, and she's my mother not yours,"

"So you want to kill your mother too?" Leon said harshly.

"What, I would never..."

"Your behavior is reason enough to kill her, Janelle." Leon shut her up and she burst into tears again, she was sorry and she hadn't meant for this to happen, She didn't want her mother to die. The door burst open and Marguerita came in, "How is she? " she rushed to her mother, "Maman, please wake up, maman," Maguerita bowed her head as she felt her heart break, her mother had never been this vulnerable, "What happened to her?" she asked Leon.

"I was at work, why don't you ask your sister?" he said distastefully. Julia watched the exchange silently, Janelle was sure going to get what she deserved. And she didn't have to lift a finger. Hahhaha

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