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2 gigisnowball12, for making me laugh out loud in the last chapter, in a public bus making people look at me like I was crazy...

Julia ran, she just had to let it all out, she couldn't let those people see how weak she was. She went in the garden and hid behind a bushy shrub, she sat on her heels and broke down. How could Leon do such a thing to her, embarrass her, make her feel like an invalid, if it hadn't been for Nana, she would be out in the cold with nothing. Now She had learnt, she would not depend on a man again and whatever his intentions to make her work for him were, she would show him that she could bare anything. She heard a rustling and she cleaned her face quickly and sat up. Janelle came out with a smirk, Julia saw her and stood up. "So, did your plan work? Looks like it only brought Leon and I closer," She smirked at Janelle who scowled.

"It's just the beginning, you witch, he would have thrown you out on your ass but my Mum felt sorry for you,"

"Think what you like, honey, but Leon and I, are inseparable, " Even as she said it, she felt herself breaking inside, she knew it was impossible for them. He had strong mistrust in other people, but until he works on that, they can never be together.

"We will see then won't we?" Janelle pressed.

"Can you just get out of my face? " Julia snapped and turned on her heel heading to the house. There was no one in sight, so probably she was supposed to stay in her room. Tomorrow being a Sunday, she would sleep in until Monday when she will start her new job, Assistant, she hoped she would manage. She wanted to ask for a room further from him but no, she didn't have an option here.

Leon looked around the table as they had breakfast, Julia wasn't present but he didn't ask, he kept it to himself. "You are wondering where she is, aren't you?" Nana looked at him but he continued eating like he hadn't heard her, "Well, she's in her room, said she didn't feel like eating,"

"Not my problem, " he shrugged. yes it is so much your problem, his conscious taunted him.

"I bet it isn't," Nana said not convinced. They continued eating in silence, Julia had always filled the room with talk every time they sat down to eat, her and Leon would talk back and forth and involve whoever was present at times, but today, there was only tension as if they feared to brotch any subject. Leon finished quickly, thanked Nana and walked to his room.

He stopped at Julia's door and listened discreetly, there was no sound, why was he feeling guilty and sad? He shook off the feeling and shrugged, He wasn't supposed to care forgodsake, he entered his room and his eyes found the pictures, he had brought them back to his room, He couldn't bare to look at them. He sat on the bed for sometime then decided to go out and play golf with his partners.

Julia turned one last time and sighed, if she were to count the number of sighs and moans and tears she had elicited between yesterday and now, a thousand people wouldn't manage to collect. She didn't know heartbreak was like this, the whole night it felt like someone was twisting a sharp knife in her heart, removes it then plunges deep again. There was nothing as sad as knowing someone you loved was so close but yet you wouldn't be able to be near them. It even hurt to see Leon, let alone hear his voice. She had seen daylight creep in because sleep had eluded her the whole night, She was supposed to wake up fresh tomorrow, she hoped she would sleep tonight. A soft knock sounded at her door and her heart jumped, had Leon finally come to his senses? she jumped to the door and opened it quickly, "Nana,"

"You don't sound excited, I know child," Nana Camille entered with a tray of pancakes and latte, oh that smell , "You will be fine my dear," she placed the tray on a bedside table and sat on the bed then patted beside her for Julia to sit. She came and sat next to the older woman who enveloped her in her arms, "You see my dear, I know a good thing when I see one unlike my dear boy, but I tell you he knows the truth deep inside only he's scared,"

"Scared?" Julia wondered.

"Yes my dear he's scared that he misjudged you, scared that he will lose you, the best thing that has happened to him, he..."

"Nana, you can stop flattering me now, I'm already feeling better, I'll eat," Julia said with a smile.

"Oh I never use flattery where it doesn't deserve,"

"I feel so embarrassed, Nana, I should be the one bringing you breakfast, you are not feeling well," Julia said.

"I'm feeling better, my dear," Camille touched the younger woman's cheek and smiled. Such a good heart, She didn't deserve what she was going through, but that stubborn boy of hers.

"Hey man you okay? You've missed that ball for the fifth time," Bates, Leon's golf partner asked. Leon shook his head, "I'm alright, I think I'm just getting tired," he waved and went to seat under a tree. Damn that woman, he thought, he wasn't supposed to think about her but she had gone and refused to eat breakfast, He didn't want her to get sick, He didn't want to los...."No, f**k no," he didn't want to think about her, He shook his head willing the thoughts to go.

"Leon are you sure you're okay?" Bates asked again and Leon waved, stood up and kicked his club breaking it in the process then he marched off the ground towards his car leaving a confused Bates even more confused. Was the man having some problems? He shrugged and called over another player.


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