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Battlefields&slippery roads
Love is for grown men
Broken hearts & wet pillows
Love is for strong women
Butterflies&late nights
Love is for adventurers
Feeble heartbeats on shaky emotions
Are you a soldier...
Don't wear that heart on a sleeve when your feet stumble & you begin to stutter at the first sight of L O V E
Love is for the brave.
Heartbreak, a bitter pill to digest.
Are you a soldier...

"Julia, let's go," Julia's was startled awake by Louie's voice, she looked around her and saw she had slept off in the office. She looked at her watch, it was almost 7pm..What? She got up quickly grabbing her bag and followed Louie, she looked at Leons office, "Where's Leon?" she asked.

"Already home,"

"What do you mean already home, He told me to wait for him," She frowned.

"Well I dropped him off earlier, Julia, then he told me to come for you after," Julia was quiet for a moment, this even hurt more, so this is how he wanted to treat her? Like she meant nothing to him now? He actually didn't know who he was messing with, she scowled, she wasn't someone to settle for less and she had let this behavior go on for far too long, she had shut her mouth long enough, thinking he would come to his senses if she said nothing, but look what a quiet mouth had done, bet it was time to open her mouth once again.

"Let's go home," she said to Louie quietly, she didn't even want to think over what she was going to say to that chimp, she just wanted to open her mouth and let go and that was what she was going to do. Louie sensed her mood and rushed to drive off, He knew shit was gonna hit the fan.

Leon lay back on his bed and sighed, He missed holding Julia in his arms, This was what they would have been doing. He stretched out his hand and brought with him the pictures, he looked at the one Julia was smiling at that guy and his eyes narrowed, she looked so happy, he brought the picture closer but frowned, Julia had a dimple on her left cheek, the woman in the picture had no dimples, Julia's teeth were sharp and her canines pointed, the woman's teeth here were neatly filed, he quickly perused through other pictures as his heart started to thump hard against his chest. crap crap, what had he done?

His heart suddenly dropped, Julia would never forgive him if he told her, He had realised that the lady in the picture wasn't her. He had been blinded by his mistrust and it had clouded his judgment, He stood up immediately to go but stopped when his door burst open and his heart beat faster when he came face to face with a very angry Julia. She looked determined to fight and get this over with.

"How dare you, what do you call yourself you big jerk. So you think you're gonna take me for a fool and you'll expect me to stand there and watch you embarrass me in any way you want? If you knew I had cheated why didn't you let me go? So you think making me feel bad will justify all your actions? Go to hell, Leon because I too can't stand you anymore..."

"Don't say that, Julia,"

"You are a selfish person who cares about themselves, you don't deserve to live with people, and for all I care, you can take your stupid job and choke on it, because I don't give a fuck any more, I didn't ask myself to be your girlfriend, but I release myself from that obligation, don't bother me anymore, don't talk to me, don't look at me and when you ever realise that you were wrong about your judgements, don't ever even look my way to apologise," she turned to go and stopped on the doorway, turning, "And news flash, I will stay here while I look for a new job, and if you even,  for a moment think you are going to threaten me, you are in for a surprise because jerkass, you can fall down and die for all I care, I will not glance twice at you," She spat and moved out, head held high. She couldn't believe she had said all that, she actually felt good, like a whole load of weight had been lifted off.

Leon cursed and moved around the room back and forth, shit, He had really messed up, forgodsake it was whoever created time's fault because he was just a minute from going to look for her and apologizing. Now she had put a stop to all that, what would he do to make her forgive him? He sighed and slumped down on his bed. Now he had to think for other ways to apologise to her. He was going to blow her off totally with that surprise.

gahhh, I'm dozing you....dhjdbjgm tchao

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