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Julia held the clothes to her nose, they smelled so nice, maybe they were for his wife, but why wasn't she here? Either they had divorced or she had died...oh my God, Julia stopped short, maybe this man was grieving his wife because who would willingly lock himself up in a house for years and don't socialize?  Probably someone who had been hurt. She hadn't seen any pictures, maybe one day she'll ask him. She turned on the shower and stood under.the warm spray, her tense body relaxed as the water cascaded down her body, after she toweled herself dry and dressed in the clothes that Leon had given her.

Leon, she thought to herself and smiled, his name kinda sounded nice to her ears and tasted good on her tongue. She looked at herself in the mirror, the clothes were tight on her curves, she tried to adjust a little until she became comfortable. Fresh again, thank God, She went back to the bedroom only to find it empty, she sighed with relief and lay down on the bed. She dreamt of home, she was with her siblings as they sat outside watching the stars, this was like a ritual for them, sitting outside at night and sharing stories, this time they were asking her if she had met any cute guys in France, how the people behaved, there was a lot of banter going around, suddenly out of the nearby trees appeared a man running towards them, he looked very familiar to Julia, but as her siblings scattered off in different directions, Julia was stuck in one place as the man advanced with a very evil grin on his face, "Gustave," she said and suddenly remembered to run but was too late, he had caught up with her and heaved her on his shoulder with a determined look, "Let me go, please, I don't wanna go back," she pleaded but Gustave wasn't having any of it, he continued to walk towards a black car with tinted windows.

Meanwhile Leon was winding up his chat with his assistant when his stomach grumbled, he decided to order for pizza but didn't know what Julia would like, he shut down his laptop and went to ask her when he heard cries in her room, what the hell is happening? he suddenly ran and burst through the door, there she was on the bed writhing as if trying to get away from someone, then he heard her small cries, "Let me go, I don't wanna go.back," Leone was puzzled, go back where, then his gaze.skimmed her body making him harden instantly,  shit this wasn't the time to think of that, but Violette's clothes fit her body snuggly and all curves were on display, he suddenly shook his head and ran to her.

"Julia, wake up," this was the first time he had called her name, he realised.

"No no, I don't wanna go back," she fought again. Leon didn't want to touch her for fear of what might happen to his body but he threw all those fears out the window when he heard those words, he pulled her in a sitting position and cradled her to him, soothing her.

"I'm not taking you back, baby shhh, " she suddenly stopped fighting and relaxed in his arms and started crying. He made soothing motions with his hand as she slowly cried in his chest, his heart twisted suddenly and he didn't want to let her go, ever, he felt the need to keep her safe and Leon vowed that was what he would do. She had calmed down and got out of his embrace.

"I'm so sorry," she said suddenly hiding her face.

"Babe, it's okay, it was only a dream,"

Julia's body froze when he endeared her, She couldn't believed her ears. What was this man and his changing behavior? "Don't worry, it won't happen again?" She suddenly said sitting upright.

"It's alright, Julia," he smiled at her and Julia's heartbeat increased, no it's not alright, you called me babe, Julia and then you smiled at me, "I actually was coming to ask if you would like some pizza," he continued and when she nodded he asked, "Is pepperoni okay or just cheese?"

"Pepperoni is fine, thanks?" she answered.

"Okay, you wanna talk about that nightmare? " he asked and she looked at him with wide eyes and shook her head, "Guessed not, pizza will be here in 15," he stood up and left the room.

Julia held her breath for a while and leant back with a sigh, she really needed to stop thinking about Gustave, the man who had lied to them and five other girls. She tucked her hair in a bun and went down stairs. Leon stood by the window looking out, He looked even much better from behind. Julia rebuked her thoughts and went towards him, "Hey," she said and he turned.

"You come out at last," she couldn't miss the way his eyes skimmed over her body sending shivers all over.

"Couldn't stay there forever," she shrugged and went to stand by him on the window.

"Oh, here's the pizza guy," Leon said then frowned, "What, he has passed." Julia laughed when she saw the car pass, "What's so funny?" Leon asked her.

"You've ordered pizza before, right?" she asked and he nodded confused, "Don't you get it,"

"If you don't tell me right now, I'll throw you out this window. " He threatened making her roll her eyes.

"You cleaned the damn place, the guy is confused," she explained to him like he was a kid.

"But it's the same adress," he said with a frown and watched as the guy made a u-turn and came towards his house, stupid fucker, Leon thought. He went towards the door and pulled it open before the guy reached,

"Desole Monsieur, I had not recognized the house," The boy said nervously, Julia saw Leon's scowl and intervened.

"Oh, it's okay," she took the pizza and snatched a note from Leon's hand and gave it to the guy, "Keep the change," she smiled at him.

"Merci Madame, " The guy's eyes widened as he clutched the 50£ note and dashed towards his car in unbelief.

"What the hell was that?" Leon turned to her and yelled, "That was 50 freaking Euro, "

Julia looked at him innocently and asked, "What is 50£?"

Leon looked at her unbelievably and growled, that money meant nothing to him but he had been angry with that boy and had intended to collect back all his change and send him off without a single tip, "Don't ever do that again," he growled at her.

"Should I start without you?" Julia removed a pizza slice, ignoring his rant. She had seen tougher men before, though this one at first had scared her, She had later learnt that he had a fuzzy heart, very soft. She took a first bite and smiled at him.

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