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Leon stood in shock, he hadn't even threatened her yet and she was collapsing? He bent down and felt the woman's pulse, ofcoarse she was alive. Who the hell was she? How dare she barge into his house like she owned it? He looked at her and wondered what he was going to do with her. He lifted her like she weighed nothing and tossed her like a suck on a dusty coach, this elicited a groan from her. Serves you right you little wench. He thought with s smile. His house was so unkept, but that is because he had not allowed anyone to even get passed the front gate. Only the pizza delivery kid who was even scared to go beyond. He sat on a table near the couch and studied the woman, his pistol in hand, just in case you know. Never trust people, she.might be anything, for example a gangster, what? c'mon, his mind argued with him, afterall wasn't it his best friend who had killed his family? He searched for a cigarette and lit it, still studying the woman, she looked young, 21 years say. She was black, her clothes were dirty and so was her hair and face. Where in hell did she come from? Well, there was one way to find out, he smirked and waited, he had all the time in the world.

"Ahh..." A groan from the couch made him shift to look at her fully, he brought his face closer and looked at her smooth face his fingers itched to touch. For a moment he was stunned, she was beautiful, more than he had imagined.

Julia woke up and looked up only to come face to face with dark hair, "Ahhhh, get away from me you hairy giant beast." She shouted and put her legs down to run out the door but a hairy hand held her in place. Oh my God I'm gonna die. What kind of miracle is this, I asked for help not to die. She silently screamed in her head. "Please don't kill me, I don't wanna die now." She pleaded when she saw the gun.

Leon looked on in amusement, she definitely wasn't from this place. Her English wasn't thick like the way French people spoke. "Tu ne parlez pas francaise?" He barked.

"Oh please, not this again." Julia muttered to herself, didn't these people know a grain of english? "Listen, I know I'm in France but I do not understand a word you are saying." She said irritatably.(is this even a word? well, whatever). Julia didn't want to die when her killer hadn't understood why he was killing her, "Don't you speak English? " she asked

Leon had to give it to her, She had spank, "What do you want here?" He asked.

"Please, I mean no harm, I thought the house was uninhabited."

"Well, lady you thought wrong."
"Don't I know that." She answered with sarcasm. Leon was shocked, she was so sarcastic and unafraid suddenly, maybe she had forgotten about the gun in his hand, hmm time to be reminded.

"Watch your tongue, don't forget I have the gun here." He raised his hand for her to see and was shocked when she rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, if you wanted me dead I wouldn't be sitting here now." Julia was already tired, if only he could let her sleep. "I'm sure you are a squatter just like me, c'mon let's share the rights."

"What?" Leon asked confused, who the hell was this small thing calling a squatter in his own house?

"Don't tell me there are no squatter's rights here?" She asked looking at his rugged clothes, gosh he was such a giant, almost 7 feet.

"This is my damn house woman." Leon barked, "And you are going to get out now."

Julia realised she had scratched this giant in the wrong place, but hey she couldn't help her big mouth, "What, your house? This hell hole? I mean it's a beautiful house, triples my home actually but for godsake what kind of normal person lives here?"

"Get out now." Leon stamped his words with his gun pointed at her now.

"Hey Hey, I'm sorry okay? Look my mouth is shut," She made a zip motion on her mouth, "But how can I convince you with my mouth closed? I need a place to stay, just for the night, please." She looked at him with her big eyes .

Leon groaned, he couldn't believe he was going to give in, "No." he growled.

"Okay, how about we strike a deal, you let me stay here I tidy all this and voila, a beautiful house." She made a motion with her hands and grinned.

Leon almost laughed, who the hell was this woman? "I'm giving you to the count of five, if you don't get out I'll shoot." He said and started counting, "1..2..3..4.."

"Okay fine," she stopped him before he made the worst mistake in his life, you know, shooting someone as pretty as her could lead to hideous consequences, "I have a request, can I eat first before you kill me?"

"What?" Leon almost rolled on the floor with irritation, this woman was a pain in the ass and there's no way he was keeping her here even for another minute, "If you can make yourself noodles." Leons eyes widened in shock which mirrored the woman's expression. Had he really said that? He groaned realising he really had when she flew past him towards the kitchen door which was ajar. For three years he had never allowed a soul in his house, what was it about this woman?

"You want coffee?" She asked from his kitchen.

"Thats my kitchen, if I want coffee I know where to find it."
Julia shrugged, "Well, atleast I tried to be hospitable." This earned her a grant. She scooped noodles in her plate and went to sit down at the kitchen table and gobbled it down like someone was chasing her, well it was true some giant who was currently standing watching her by the counter wanted her out of his house. She didn't have any intention of leaving though, this was the right place for her, a perfect hideout, in fact come to think of it, she had maybe dreamt about it in one of her dreams on the streets. Even as the man played around with his gun which he now had pointed at the coffee maker, she realised she wasnt afraid anymore. All she had to do was to prove to him that he.needed her and a clean environment ofcoarse. She thought with a smile.

Leon noticed her smile and frowned, this woman was definitely planning something, the earlier he got rid of her the better, "Hurry that up, you have to go." He said.

"Please it's late," Julia looked at him with innocent eyes, she had to play her cards right, "Lemme stay only this night, I promise I'll start out of your hair," after a pause she added "And beards."

"Are you trying to insult me?" He growled.

"Ofcoarse not, why would I insult your beard, I mean, it's grown and dark and well..."

"Only one night," Leon.interrupted her, "Tomorrow at 5am you leave my house." Julia dazzled him with a smile. She saw him hesitate like he wasn't sure of himself then he turned to match out of the kitchen.

"Hey wait," she called out and he paused without turning, "Julia. My name is Julia." She stretched out her hand to his back, He didn't even turn nor did he bother to reply, he just nodded and walked out. "So rude." Julia muttered to herself, She later went to sit in the dusty couch and couldn't help coughing. The man returned and threw covers and a pillow on her head.

"Use those," he turned to go then paused, "Tomorrow morning." he pointed a finger at her, Julia felt like pointing one back at him.

"I'm going to sleep here? This house is too big and this couch is so dusty, c'mon, I'm sure there is a spare room for poor little me." She tried to plead.

"Sleep there or get out." Leon was losing his patience with her, She made one want to blow their head off. He marched off to his room.

"Good night." She called out and he banged his bedroom door in anger.

haha, someone is irritating the scrap out of someone.

Does anyone know how to make covers? or videos or clips? I suck at those things, ild really appreciate some help. tanx

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