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All you guys voting n commenting n following, I got a message for you...I wuuuuuv uuuu. .. shuda been more creative than that, right? well, I'm not a creative person :) thank u.

Leon leant back in his seat, he felt he had grown forty years older the last two weeks. After the back and forth never ending court sessions, they had finally come to an agreement, his insurance company had paid for all loses incurred for both parties and it was finally over. All through the weeks he had not come near his personal phone, He wondered what his family was thinking, he would check later, at the moment, he had a new manager to appoint. George, his assistant opened the office door and Leon grinned at him. George had been such a loyal employee to him through the years, he had the wisdom that went beyond his twenty eight year old self. The young man's feet halted when he saw his boss grin, "Sir, is something the matter?"

"Yes, George, something is the matter, in fact you are the matter,"

"Me, Sir, what did I do, please I'm sorry if..."

"Shut up, George, now how would you like to take over this place? " He chuckled when he saw the expression on George's face, the man was definitely going to go crazy any minute from now. His mouth was gaping like that of a fish, Leon almost took a picture. George deserved all this for all his loyalty to him and the companies back home, He had practically run those for the last three years.

"Sir, I...I..." George was saying.

"Yes or No George, one word." he interrupted the overwhelmed man.

"Yes, certainly yes Sir, I will not disappoint I promise,"

"I know, George, make arrangements for your family, I hope they love China?" He stood up and glanced at the man inquiringly. George had a wife and two daughters, he was sure they would appreciate a change in scenery.

"Yes they do, Sir, Paula, my last one is all she talks about," George said with a grin.

"Okay then, good luck," Leon shook the other man's hand and patted him on the shoulder then left the room. Time to go home, a warm feeling filled him when he thought of home. He needed a new assistant as well and he had to start the search as soon as possible. He reached his hotel room and looked for his phone, He switched it on and tons of messages bombarded him, Julia's messages and others from Nana. Julia's last voice message seemed panicked, he dialled her number, it being a Saturday she was probably home, she answered on the first ring. Her voice was groggy. "Leon, whe..."

"Hi babe," he interrupted her.

"Hi?" he heard the rustling of material, she was probably sitting up and Leon braced himself, shouting time, "How dare you,Leon,  we have all been worried sick about you, not communicating for over a week and then switching off your phone, and now you are saying Hi? What the hell does that even mean, please explain to me because I think I've lost my touch on Greek,"

"Honey, listen...I..."

"No, I don't wanna listen, was it something I did? I'm sorry okay, but if you must know, Nana is not feeling well,"

"Babe, I'm sorry okay, I'm coming back today, I'll be home Okay, tell Nana that,"

"Okay, I'm sorry for screaming,"

"And I'm sorry for switching off my phone," Leon said.

"It's okay, just come home," she said and hung up. Julia got out of bed and ran down stairs then to Nanny Camille's room, "Guess what," she barged in and ran to where Nana was, seated in her rocking chair on her tablet, the old woman turned and smiled at her, "Leon will be here by tomorrow, " Julia went and put her hands around Nana from behind.

"Oh really, now I know of someone who's gonna go singing about the house once again," Nana said with a smile.

"And who would that be if not you, hmm?"

"Well, I won't tell you," Nana said with a smile making the younger woman giggle.

"Yeah right, Nana, can I bring your favorite latte, I'm in the mood," Julia said and without waiting for an answer which she probably knew was going to be a yes, she headed towards the kitchen and proceeded to make two cups of latte.

"See who's all happy, pray tell what's making you all giggly?" Janelle sauntered into the kitchen making Julia groan.

"Why are you so in my face these days?" Julia snapped at her, She wasn't afraid of Janelle at all. She had faced much more bigger threats.

"Well, let's see," Janelle pretended to think, "Maybe cuz I'm seeing your face for the last time, because your butt will soon be kicked back to Africa where it belongs,"

"Yeah right, Miss Clueless, " Julia scoffed and turned her back on the nuisance,  she wasn't going to let anyone spoil her day. She put the latte on the tray with a couple of pancakes and walked to Nana's room. They had been eating breakfast together these past four days since Nana wasn't doing much walking, Julia could take breakfast to her and they eat while they talked, Julia had found out then that Janelle was actually in love with Leon since she was a little girl but Nana had been always against it because Leon has always seen her just like a little sister. So Janelle had turned bitter and had hated any woman Leon would bring home. Love had to be requited right? Because if one loved someone but the other didn't love them back, there sure was no future in there. Julia entered Nana's room and set the tray before an excited Nana and the two ate while they talked back and forth.

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