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Lily was already talking a mile a minute as she dragged Ara into a sparsely inhabited compartment.

"This is Mary MacDonald and Severus Snape. Oh, and I'm Lily Evans," Lily babbled, this was the only sentence Ara was able to make out.

Severus was the scrawny kid she had pointed out on the platform. She guessed he was a Slytherin.

Mary was a small girl with curly brown hair and wide brown eyes. Probably a Gryffindor.

"So, Ara, what house do you think you'll be sorted into? Do you know the houses?" Mary asked.

"Yes, I've read about them in Hogwarts: A History. All of them sound nice, but I think I'd do best in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor."

Mary gave her a warm smile, obviously pleased with her answer.

"I hope you're in Gryffindor! Mary and I are in Gryffindor, and so are the idiots you met earlier," Lily said brightly.

Severus hadn't said anything and although Ara already knew what house he was in she asked, "What house are you in, Severus?"

"Slytherin," he answered quietly.

Lily was quick to defend him, "Severus isn't like most Slytherins though, I mean he is sitting with us."

Severus gave Lily a longing glance. Ara quickly picked up on the love triangle between Snape, Potter, and Evans.

"Why'd you drop out of Beauxbatons?" Lily asked.

"It wasn't really my thing. All of the girls were kind of mean and we never learned any real magic. Just silly spells, like how to chop carrots and do laundry. My mum finally let me leave after the headmistress almost expelled me for not being able to put my hair in a proper bun," Ara shrugged.

"Gosh, that sounds terrible. So you don't know any real magic?" Mary inquired.

"I used to sneak into the library at night and read all of the old spell books. I mostly taught myself," Ara said with a small smile.

"I bet you're a Ravenclaw," Lily said.

Lily and Mary chattered incessantly the rest of the train ride, which didn't bother Ara because she was able to read her book. Severus stared out the window, deep in thought.

When they arrived at Hogwarts Lily and Ara clambered into a carriage with the "four idiots". The carriages moved by themselves, which Ara found curious.

"Are the carriages pulled by invisible animals?" She asked.

"They're pulled by Thestrals, only people who have witnessed death can see them," Remus answered.

Ara nodded her head in understanding and studied the way the four friends interacted. They all seemed very close. Closer than a normal group of boys would be, as though they had banded together to protect one another.

Ara gasped when Hogwarts came into view. The castle was absolutely breathtaking. The carriage rolled beside a large shimmering lake where the castle's many lights were reflected in the water.

"It's amazing, huh?" Remus asked.

Ara nodded, studying the boy. There was something about him. Some insecurity, no not insecurity, fear or maybe secret that his eyes seemed to hold.

The carriages rolled to a stop in front of the intricate metal gate. A small man asked their names as they approached the gate.

"What's your name?" he asked James.

"Ah, come on Professor Flitwick. You've known me for five years!" James exclaimed.

"Sorry Mr. Potter, it's required." Flitwick squeaked.

"James Potter."

The professor waved his hand and James walked through the gate, pausing on the other side to wait for his friends.

"And your name?" he asked me.

"Ara Jones."

"Our new student! Wonderful! You'll be going in with the first years to be sorted."

Flitwick pointed out a group of nervous looking students near the front door. They were being ordered alphabetically by a stern looking witch. Ara made her way over to them.

"Hello, I'm Ara Jones. I'm the new student, from Beauxbatons," she introduced herself to the witch.

"We're so glad to have you this year Ms. Jones! I'm Professor McGonagall. If you could please stand at the end of the line, you'll be sorted last," McGonagall said.

Ara followed the line of first years into the castle. They walked past four long tables in a great hall of sorts and up to a small stool with a hat on top. The hat was tattered and worn, with one long rip along the bottom.

All of the other students wandered in and sat at their assigned tables. Lily and Mary located Ara and waved to her enthusiastically. Ara gave a small wave back.

When everyone was quiet and seated, the headmaster walked forward and stood in front of a podium with a brass eagle wrapped around it. Professor Dumbledore wore long, sweeping robes that were a pale shade of blue. He had a long white beard and a crooked nose, on which sat a pair of half-moon spectacles.

"I will wait to give the speech I'm sure you're all waiting for after the sorting. Please direct your attention to the Sorting Hat," Dumbledore announced.

The hat opened the long rip in it's base and began to sing. It croaked out a tune about the four houses; Gryffindor the Brave, Ravenclaw the Wise, Hufflepuff the Loyal, and Slytherin the Cunning.

McGonagall called up the first years one by one. Ara tried to guess which house they would be sorted into while she waited. She was only wrong once.

"Now, we have a new student this year who I'm sure you will give a warm welcome to. Jones, Ara."

The four boys, Lily, and Mary gave a loud cheer from the Gryffindor table.

Ara sat on the stool and McGonagall placed the hat on her head, which fell over her eyes.

"Hmmm," a deep voice hissed in her ear, "Very difficult. You've got the brains to be in Ravenclaw, but I'm not sure you would learn much from that house. Yes, yes. You are very brave indeed. GRYFFINDOR!"

Ara smiled and McGonagall lifted the hat.

"Welcome to our house," the witch said, shaking her hand. In this moment Ara realized that the Professor must be an Animagus, possibly a cat.

Ara skipped over to the Gryffindor table and sat next to Lily and Remus.

"Yay! I'm so glad you're in our house," Lily said happily.

Dumbledore went back to his podium and clapped his hands. The chatter died down.

"Welcome old faces and new. I hope that your empty minds are filled with wonderful things through the course of the school year. Caretaker Filch has asked me to remind you that any Zonkos merchandise should not be used it the castle. As always, the Forbidden Forest is off limits unless given special permission. Let's eat!"

The headmaster finished his speech and the empty plates in front of us filled with roast turkey, beans, carrots, cranberry sauce, potatoes, treacle tarts, and really any food you could imagine. Ara scooped herself several large helpings and poured herself some pumpkin juice.

"To our new friend, Ara," Sirius said, raising his glass.

They raised their glasses and clinked them together. Ara blushed, happy to be a Gryffindor.


A/N: Hiiiii

What house are you in?

I'm in Ravenclaw.

Thanks for reading! (:

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