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"Come on! This is your first quidditch game! We're going to be late!" Lily begged.

It was only just after lunch and Ara was finishing her Potions essay.

She dropped her quill and checked the clock. It was 1:30.

"Lily we have half an hour!"

"Exactly! We should already be there!" Evans exclaimed, bouncing up and down.

"We have a free period because of this game. Why don't we actually accomplish something?"

"You're lucky I'm your friend. If you had  insulted quidditch around anyone else at this school you'd be dead."

Ara muttered under her breath as Lily dragged her down to the quidditch pitch.

"See! Almost all of the good seats are gone."

It was true. Hogwarts was crazy for quidditch. The first three rows of the Gryffindor stands were already packed with students clad in burgundy and gold. Luckily, Peter had saved them seats.

"Where's Remus?" Lily asked.

"He wanted to stay in the common room and do homework until the game started," Remus answered.

"Why can Remus stay in the common room but I can't?" Ara whined.

"Because it's you first game!! Shh, shh! They're coming out to warm up!" Lily squealed.

The Gryffindor players strode onto the field, waving at the cheering crowd. Ara clapped and sent an encouraging smile towards Mary. James flew into the air and led his team around the pitch for a few laps. He blew a kiss to Lily as he passed their stands and she turned the same bright shade as her hair.

Remus showed up five minutes before the game started. He stood next to Ara and she gave him a look.

"What was that for?" he asked, amused.

"You should've saved me when I got dragged out of the common room," she responded, trying not to smile.

"Ah, I think I saw that. If I remember correctly you were pounding your fists and gnashing your teeth?"

Ara glared at him and he grinned.

"Ara! Ara! Look! Look! There's Ravenclaw! The game is starting!" Lily shouted.

Their was a cheer from the other side of the pitch as the Ravenclaw students erupted in excitement.

"They're too cocky to warm up," Lily whisper-yelled in Ara's ear.

The two team captains met in the middle of the field and shook hands. Then everyone mounted their brooms and rose into the air.

"Alright! I want a nice, fair game. Please don't break the rules, it means a lot of paperwork for me," the coach drawled. Then he threw the Quaffle into the air and the game began.

Florence commentated the game from a small stand near the score board.

"And we're off! James Potter has the Quaffle and now he's passing it to number 4--- intercepted by Ravenclaw Chaser number 5! Oh! Number 5 has lost the Quaffle due to a great hit by a Bludger from Sirius Black. James has the Quaffle again--- Gryffindor scores!"

The game did not continue this way for long. After an hour of Ravenclaw mostly scoring, the score was Gryffindor 10, Ravenclaw 140. The only way for Gryffindor to win now was for Mary to catch the snitch. Every time the other team scored Peter would bang his fists on the bench, causing Ara to jump. Remus was looking stressed.

"They have to win. If Sirius and James lose I'll have to deal with their complaining for weeks. Not to mention they'll go into a depression and jinx any Ravenclaw student they see," Remus groaned.

Among The Stars --- Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now