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1. HI I'M BACK. I MISSED EVERYONE SO MUCH. Last week was just crazy and I had no time buT i CaMe BaCk tO so many comments and votes and love AND THIS BOOK IS AT 12K????!!!!!! like whhaaaaaa. but for real thank you guys so much it means the world and it just blows my mind so thanks. so. friggin. much.

and between you and me, shhhh now don't tell anyone, but ur my favorite reader. NOW DON'T TELL ANYONE THIS IS OUR SECRET. everyone will get mad if they see this favoritism.

2. Ok, y'all. I can't even believe I have to say this. I've gotten some stuff about who I chose for the cast and like, guys, come on. The cast list is just something fun the writers do to get you excited about the book. IMAGINE WHATEVER THE HECK YOU'D LIKE. If you want Snape to have purple hair then by gosh you let him. But for real please stop commenting about how I chose the wrong people, if who I chose messed up your reading experience then whoops sorry. But otherwise just imagine what ya want. K? K.

3. LAST THING I SWEAR. I reply to legit every comment (at least I try my darn hardest too), so hi I'm FangirlNumber17, I'm the author. Yes, hi. I've gotten some questions so yes that's me. Even if you comment ':)' I'll prob respond with ':))' so I mean yea. If you guys take the time to comment I'll take the time to respond. If you've read this far I love you thanks. Let me know if you made it thru this and I'll give you an emoji. ur welcome.

ps- make sure you check out the trailer I made it's at the beginning. also I might be working on a prologue shhhhh



tap, tap, tap

Ara sat in Dumbledore's office, tapping her foot against the leg of the chair. The headmaster was patiently writing something in a journal, obviously not seeing Ara's little incident as a top priority.

Slughorn stood next to the chair, sweating profusely. He was almost more nervous than her.

Dumbledore continued to write.

Slughorn continued to sweat.

tap, tap, tap

"Albus?" Slughorn finally interrupted.

More writing.

Sweaty McGee cleared his throat.

Dumbledore slowly closed his journal and pushed his half-moon spectacles up his nose, folding his long fingers in front if him.


"We've had an, uh, little mishap," the Potions Master said, giving her a side-long glance.


Fingers unfolded. Journal reopened. Wrote another sentence. Journal closed. Glasses pushed up on nose. Fingers folded.

tap, tap, tap

"You're excused, Horace."

"Oh, are you sure? I can stay and---"

Dumbledore held out a hand. Slughorn nodded and stepped out.

Journal reopened. Scribbling. Quill dipped in ink.

tap, tap, tap, tap, tap--

"Ms. Jones it's rather hard for me to focus with that incessant tapping."

Ara jumped. Dumbeldore hadn't opened his mouth. In fact, he was still writing busily, as if nothing had happened.

"Ex-excuse me?" she stuttered.

He looked up, blue eyes piercing hers as he gave a slight smile.

"Can you hear me?"

Again, his mouth had not moved.

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