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Remus couldn't help but notice how down Ara had been after being released from the Hospital Wing. The incident definitely had had a greater effect on her than he originally thought.

It's not like she'd been that different. They'd still walk together and talk on their way to classes, she'd sit and chat with everyone at meals, and she seemed to be doing fine in lessons.

But something was off. Ara's aura (ha) was different.

And he wanted to cheer her up.


"Hello, love," Remus greeted, swooping into the Common Room and kissing Ara's cheek before settling himself into the couch.

Ara was curled up in a chair by the fireplace; parchment, quills, notes, and books messily spread around her.

"Hello," she mused, quite focused on her homework. Apparently too focused to notice Remus' new nickname, much to his disappointment.

"So I've been thinking," he started.

"That's nice," she responded.

Remus couldn't help but notice how pretty she looked in the light of the fireplace. It made it nearly impossible to mind the fact that she clearly wasn't paying any attention to him.

"I want to take you on a proper date."

At this she looked up at him, color slowly rising to her cheeks.

"Me?" she asked.

"Who else?" he inquired.

She looked around the common room as if checking for any other person that Remus could've been asking that question to.

"What kind of date?" she questioned, her cheeks still very pink.

"Well, I'm definitely not referring to the fruit..."

She smiled at this and shook her head.

"There's no where to go on a date."

"How about Hogsmeade this weekend? We could get lunch," he offered.

"Okay," she said softly.


"Yea," she agreed, her smile growing even wider. Ara bit down on the inside of her cheek to keep from looking so stupid.

"Alright, then. I'll let you get back to it."

She watched him leave the room, and when she was sure she couldn't hear his fading footsteps, she threw her papers into the chair and ran up to the dormitories.

"LILY!!!" she yelled, throwing open the door.

Lily had been peacefully painting her nails when Ara burst in and made her jump, causing bright purple nail polish to spill all over the quilt. Ara breathlessly performed a cleaning spell and then threw herself on the bed next to Lily.

"Lily," Ara panted. "You--will--not--believe-what just---happened."

"I better hope so considering you just scared the you-know-what out of me!"

Ara scooted closer to Lily and whispered very quietly, "Remus asked me on a date."

Let's just say that Lily's reaction was even more enthusiastic than Ara's, if possible.

"Well it's about time!" she squealed. "What did he say?"

So Ara told Lily every word of the conversation and her redheaded friend listened intently.


As these things usually go, Remus was also telling his friends about the encounter. He had found Peter in the library on his way to see Sirius and James after quidditch practice.

"What's up, Moony?" Sirius asked, draining a bottle of water.

"I asked Ara on a date," Remus said, feeling like a three-year-old.

"Way to go, dude!" James cheered, clapping him on the back.

"Nice!" Sirius exclaimed.

Peter let out a whistle.

"Where to? Didn't want to ask our expertise?" James teased.

"Hogsmeade, and it was actually more of a spur of the moment decision."

"Aw, our ickle-Lupin is growing up," Sirius taunted.

"Stop," Remus groaned.


It's funny how teenagers could still act like they were in primary school.


A/N: SUPER short chapter, I know, but I wanted to publish this first and have the actual ~date~ in a separate chapter

ALSO the last chapter's weirdness is not done yet, more of Ara's dark side is yet to come. We're just taking a break for some cute Ara and Remus stuff before the drama.

Thanks for reading! (:

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