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A/N: someone with better wifi let me know if I've used this gif before


Ara and Lily weren't allowed to visit Mary until the day after their meeting with Dumbledore. They suggested that the headmaster should also inform James, Sirius, and Peter about what had happened as well, and after talking it over with Mary he had.

After classes the day they were allowed to see her, Jones and Evans hurried to the Hospital Wing. Mary was laying in a stark white bed and she looked incredibly tired, as if she hadn't slept for weeks.

Mary smiled when she saw them and they exchanged careful hugs.

"How are you feeling?" Lily asked.

"I'm alright," Mary answered.

"You're the toughest cookie I know, nothing could put you down for too long."

"How's my favorite couple?" Mary asked Ara.

"Remus is sick right now, stuck up in the dormitories."

"Ah, they should bring him down here so I can have some company. And how's my favorite couple-to-be, Lilypad?"

"Fine, I guess. We haven't been talking much."

"So what happened?" Ara asked.

"You're welcome to see for yourself," Mary told her, offering to let Ara read her mind.

"I don't think that's the best idea," she responded, remembering the incident with Remus.

Mary told them all about it. Mulciber had sneaked up on her in the library and tried out some spells of his own.

The more Mary told them about it, the angrier Ara became. When they finally left the Hospital Wing, she was almost shaking.

"I'm going to go get started on my homework," Ara told Lily, needing an excuse.

"Sure, I'll see you after your Legilimency lesson," Lily replied.

Ara needed to see Remus. He seemed like the only one who could make her feel better right now. She got to the Shrieking Shack in record time, and brought with her some treacle tart for him.

"Remus? It's Ara."

"Come up," he called back.

She ascended the stairs and found him sitting on his bed reading a book.

"Hey," he smiled.

She nodded and smiled back, holding out the tart. He patted the spot next to him and she sat.

"Thanks," he said, unwrapping the treat.

"Sure," she mumbled.

"What's wrong?" he asked. Looks like she hadn't done a very good job of hiding her worry.

"I really don't want to bother you," she started, grabbing the healing cream from the bedside table and rubbing it over a scratch on his face.

"Whatever is it it'll probably be a good distraction."

"Did James and them tell you about Mary?"

Remus nodded.

Ara slowly screwed the cap back onto the tube, "I've been... starting to feel like my old self again."

He didn't respond so she continued.

"I'm so angry about what happened to Mary and what Severus did to Lily--- and I want revenge. It's such a familiar feeling, wanting revenge. Like a storm that lives inside of you. And I know Mulciber is getting expelled and I know that Mary's okay and I know that Lily is feeling alright, but still. I don't want to lose control."

Among The Stars --- Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now