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James, Peter, and Sirius desperately needed to talk to Remus alone. They decided that the sixth year's upcoming Hogsmeade trip would be a perfect opportunity. James had already devised a plan with Lily. They had exchanged notes during a miserably boring history lesson.

Hey Lilypad


About the Hogmseade trip next week....

At this point Lily got excited. Maybe James was going to ask her out! She'd say no of course, but that really didn't matter.


I need you, Mary, and Ara to let us have some guy time, if you know what I mean.

I don't know what you mean... and neither do I want to.

Just go shopping or something and we'll meet up for a drink later.

What's in it for me?

Duh, shopping


What do you want?

You can't tease Severus AT ALL for two weeks.

Make it one week

A week and a half

James sent Lily a patronizing look.

Does that mean till Wednesday or Thursday on the second week?

Preferably Thursday

Soooo Wednesday?

Fine. You've got yourself a deal Potter.

Thanks for your cooperation Evans.

Lily desperately hoped that no one saw her carefully fold up the note and slip it in her bag.


Ara and Mary were sitting in the common room, discussing the uses of glue. Muggles sure had it hard, having to physically stick something together rather than using magic.

Lily skipped through the portrait hole and flopped onto the couch.

"How was detention with Trelawney?" Ara asked. Lily had earned herself an extra hour with the Divination teacher when she set her tea leaves on fire in protest. Ara couldn't quite figure out what she was protesting.

"It was fine. I just had to polish the crystal balls."

"You smell terrible. Did she dump her perfume all over you?" Mary commented, pinching her nose.

Lily chose to ignore her as she pulled out her Astrology homework.

"Ara, I didn't know you were named after a constellation," Lily said, surprised. Their assignment was to draw a diagram of the night sky, and her peppy friend had found her name displayed in the textbook.

Ara shrugged, "The constellation has something to do with incense and smoke. I think it might have something to do with offerings too. My parents just though it was pretty."

"That's so cool. My parents named me Mary after some muggle nursery rhyme," Mary said, wrinkling her nose.

"I was named after a boring flower," Lily grumbled.

"Hey," Mary said suddenly, as if just remembering something. "I saw you and Potter passing notes today in Binn's class. What was that about?"

Ara had given up on worrying about Lily and James' relationship. They were obviously hopelessly in love. They'd admit it someday.

Among The Stars --- Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now