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Ara went through her wardrobe at a rapid pace, piling mountains of clothes around her and covering the floor. When she reached the bottom of her trunk, she sat against her bed in distress.

Lily and Mary stumbled into the room, tripping over several pairs of shoes.

"Oh no," Mary worried. "She's turning into you, Lily."

"I have nothing to wear," Ara groaned. Ignoring the fact that there were, in fact, lots of things to wear all spread around her.

"I've been waiting for the day that I'd get to help you! I'm sure I have something you can wear!" Lily exclaimed, hurriedly throwing open her trunk and rummaging through it.

"Here try on all of these and Mary and I will pick our favorite," Lily instructed, throwing a pile of clothes into Ara's arms.

After what felt like forever, the three girls were finally able to agree on an outfit.

Ara threw open the door, already a few minutes late, and was surprised to see a note.

"What is that?" Lily asked.

"It's a letter."

Ara pulled it from the door and saw her name written in neat script on the back. She slid the parchment out of the envelope and read aloud:


Sorry for the change of plans, but what do you say to dinner tonight instead of lunch? I'll meet you in the common room at 5. See Peter for any questions, he'll be in the dorms for the next hour. Looking forward to seeing you!


"Oooooh! Mysterious," Lily crooned.

"Well, we've got to change your outfit now! And do your hair! Dinner requires at least a dress," Mary ordered.

Lily checked her watch, "We've only got three hours, better get started. Ara, go take a shower."

"I showered last night," she groaned.

"Yes but this is dinner! You've got to have shining, flowing, luscious hair! Now, go."

Ara stomped off to the bathrooms and took a quick shower. When she returned, Lily held out a beautiful dress to her. It was light purple and extended down to the knees. It had a modest neckline but it was form-fitting down to the waist. The fabric was soft and flowing, and it seemed like a dress that would flare out if you spun.

"What's this for?" she questioned.

"Dinner, silly! Now put it on."

"You don't mind me borrowing it?"

"I don't think I've ever even worn it."

Ara tried it on and Lily and Mary gasped.

"Oh, it's beautiful," Mary complimented.

"I have such good taste!" Lily exclaimed.

"Lily, you're not behind this whole 'dinner thing' are you?" Ara inquired, suspicious.

Lily winked and Mary made a shushing sound.

Evans made her try on shoes until her feet were soar, finally settling on a simple pair of heels. She used a spell to dry her hair and Mary and Lily curled it into an elegant half-up half-down style. Light make-up and a few sparkly accessories completed the look.

"This is definitely not what I was planning to do today," Ara said, admiring her friends' work in the mirror.

"Surprises are good," Mary smiled.

Among The Stars --- Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now