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A/N: Hello my lovely readers. I'm so sorry it's been so long. I've decided every 10 chapters I'm going to switch between Ara and Remus with the gifs in the media file. You probably won't mind a reminder of what Remus' gorgeous face looks like.

Thank you so much for 500 reads! Much much appreciated. You guys are the best. Ily!

Londonwisher I miss youuuuu. I really need your writing expertise and advice. Everyone go read her books, they're amazing!!!! Ilyyyy

On to the chapter!


Remus was 'sick' again and Ara desperately wanted to see him. The three boys had already visited him. She had seen them sneaking down to the Whomping Willow last night while reading in the shadows of the common room.

During their free period after Double Potions, James pulled Ara to the courtyard. Barely anyone was there for it was too cold to be hanging around outside.

"We're going to skip dinner and visit Remus tonight if you want to come. We'll just have to leave before dark because you're not an Animagus," James said seriously.

Ara nodded in excitement, she missed her friend.

"Alright, but I need to warn you. The first time you visited him it was towards the end of his transition. He's going to look pretty bad."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"There's normally scratches all over him and he doesn't really act like... himself."

Ara could sense by James' expression how hard it was for him to see his close friend so miserable.

"Okay. Thanks for warning me," she stated.

"Sure. Now to get in we're not going to do some crazy dance to get around the branches. Peter will turn into a rat and stand on a knot at the base of the tree. This will stop the branches from trying to attack because the tree was specifically made for us. You, Sirius, and I will have to hide under the cloak and go through the hole."

"Doesn't sound too difficult."

"It'll sure be easier than last time."

Ara followed James through the corridors as he collected Sirius and Peter. Pettigrew was standing with Black while he laughed with a group of Hufflepuffs, his arm slung around a girl's shoulders.

"Sorry to interrupt," James grumbled, not trying to hide his annoyance, "but we've got some homework to catch up on."

Sirius and Peter parted with the other students and started the walk towards the vicious tree.

"You seem pretty happy Jones," Sirius smirked.

"I'm excited to see Remus."

"Yeah? I'm sure he'll be pretty excited to see you too."

Ara hoped that her cheeks were already red from the cold.

Once they reached the tree, James pulled out his Invisibility Cloak and looked around to check for peeping students. Then he threw the cloak over him, Ara, and Sirius. They pressed close together and crouched down so the fabric would cover their feet.

"Any time now Peter," James coaxed.

Peter trotted behind a group of bushes. A second later Ara watched as a small brown rat scampered across the grass. It darted around the low-hanging spikes from the tree and stood upon a knot on the trunk. James motioned for them to walk and they tiptoed toward the hole in the tree. Ara climbed down first, followed by Sirius and then James. The rat leapt in as well and landed in a corner, hidden by shadows.

James flicked on a flashlight and in the rat's place stood Peter Pettigrew.

"Woah," Ara whispered.

They trudged through the dank tunnel in silence. There was the occasional sound of Sirius kicking a rock along the path.

When they arrived at the familiar wooden ladder, James climbed up first and pushed open the square trap door.

"Remus? We're here!" he called.

Sirius clambered up next and then Ara. Peter was the last to arrive in the building they called the Shrieking Shack.

"Mooooooony!"Sirius yelled.

A quiet response sounded from upstairs. Ara followed the boys up the creaking stairs to the room she had visited a month ago.

James was right. Remus looked absolutely miserable.

There were scratches covering his arms. A long gash shone across his cheek and he had deep circles under his eyes. His hair stuck up in all directions and his clothes were rumpled. But it was his eyes that really got to her. It was like a whole world was happening behind them. Remus was at war with himself, and Ara could only imagine what that felt like.

"Hi Remus," she waved, not sure what to say.

Remus looked up and Ara almost took a step back. His eyes were so sad. She tried not to read the horrible thoughts going through his head.

But as quickly as the feeling came, it left. Remus' eyes cleared and it was like he had put up an invisible stone wall around himself. He was good at hiding his pain.

"Hey Ara," he smiled.

"Remus, you've gotta clean yourself up," Sirius chided. He grabbed a cloth and basin of water, then started on Lupin's cheek.

"Ara, can you grab that cream?" James asked, folding clothes that had been thrown in a pile. It was so strange to see Remus' space so messy, he had always been so tidy.

Ara grabbed the bottle of healing cream  sitting on a shaky wooden table.

"Great, throw it here," Peter said.

Ara walked it over to him, she wasn't the best aim. Peter took it from her and rubbed it over Remus' arms. The compassion these boys had for their friend was heartwarming.

Once everything had been cleaned up and Remus had been treated, the friends sat in a circle and played card games. When that got old they told stories and jokes, anything to distract Remus from the horror he was experiencing.

"Remus," James groaned, standing up and pulling a pile of books and parchment from under the bed, "Have you been doing homework again?"

Remus took the books from him and stashed them back under the bed with care, "Yes, I don't want to get behind in class. It's not a horrible distraction either."

"If I had an excuse to get out of school once a month I wouldn't do my homework," Peter laughed. Then he realized that his statement might've been offensive and he sent Remus an apologetic look. Lupin just laughed it off.

"Have I missed anything important in Ancient Runes?" He asked Ara.

"Not really, but homework has been really hard without you."

They had a sort of cliché moment where they looked at each other and smiled.

Finally Sirius interrupted, "We didn't bring you so you could flirt. Before we know it you'll be on the same moon cycle."

Everyone laughed. Even Ara and Remus who felt slightly embarrassed.

James decided that they should stay the night with Remus and had Peter walk Ara back to the castle. She said her goodbyes and gave Remus a long hug. He slightly wished that she hadn't, he didn't want her close to him. All he would do was hurt her. But the hug felt good and he felt sad when she pulled away.

The walk back with Peter was awkward. Neither of them knew what to say to each other.

"Well I'll see you later," Peter mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. They had arrived at Hogwarts and Ara was dreading the amount of homework awaiting her.

"Bye Peter," she called.
It was hard for her to focus on homework when she realized her maybe had turned into a yes.

A/N: sorry I haven't updated in so long

Hope this is goooood

Thanks for reading! :)

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