14 Years Ago

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Edith was now 5 and we were comming back from the shop in the mall. Edith was holding my hand tightly as we were exiting that shop but she squeezed it tighter when people were screaming.
"Mummy? What's going on?" She said. "I dunno baby but it will be alright ok. Lets go down to the bottom floor" I said. She didn't say anything just reached up to me. I picked her up and placed her on my hip. We speed walk down the elscaltor. As we get on the ground floor gunshots are fired. Great pain goes through my lung. I drop to the floor but Edith doesn't. She was taken from me as I hit the ground. In great pain I look up to see Batman holding Edith. "Give her here" I choked out. Edith sat next to me with tears streaming down her face. "Mummy? Stay alive I need you" she cried out. "No,no you don't.... you have Grandad and Harley and Uncle Alfred" I coughed. "And Batman?" She asked. "And Batman" I laughed. "You will always have me ok." I said. "My gaurdian angel?!" She said. "Yes, oh I love you so much" I said before I drowned in my own blood.


"MUM! MUM! MUMMY!" I screamed. Batman picked me up and cradled me. "LET GO OF ME GRANDDAD" I screamed as I wriggled my way out of tight grip. I ran over to the one who fired the gun at my mum. I heard people say it the Joker and panic. "YOU KILL MY MUMMY!" I cried out to him pointing at my mum dead on the floor. "Edith! Get back here" Batman called out. Joker turned and knelt at my hight. "I don't care." He laughed. "SHE WAS MY MUM AND SHE IS ALL I HAVE! MY DAD DIDN'T WANT ME!" I screamed in his face pointing harder and my mum. He looked beyond the pointing finger and to look at the dead body. "Scarlett? Oh no" He said sounding really sad. "That means your my....my...girl" he said. I looked at him confused. He stood up and walked towards Batman. "YOU WERE SURPOSED TO KEEP HER SAFE!" He screamed. "ME! YOU THE ONE WHO ABANONED HER PREGNANT, THEN KILLED HER!" Batman screamed. "I WASN'T MENT TO KILL HER. I JUST KILLED MY ONE CHANCE OF BEING SANE!" Joker screamed. Batman didn't say anything just picked me up and started walking away. "YOU CAN'T TAKE HER AWAY, SHE'S MY CHILD...EDITH" Joker screamed. "AS HE GODFATHER AND HARLEY HER GODMOTHER WE WILL RAISE AND PROTECT HER. I SUPECT ITS THE LEAST YOU CARE!" Batman shouted back. Joker did nothing but scream curses at Batman and shoot at him. But Batman kept me safe from the bullets. I was still crying cause of the image of my dead mum was in my head. No one else knew but Batman was crying as well.
I wish I had my mummy back.

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