Moving forward and Letters

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We decided it was best if I stayed home with Alfred. Bruce promiced to keep me uodated he knew that death takes quite a toll on me ever since my...mother. "Alfred do you think she will be ok?" I asked pacing the room. "you asked me this 5 minutes ago Edith" He repled pinching his brow in annoyance. "Bruce has taken her to the best hospital ok. Everything will be fime trust me" He added. I nodded my head and sighed. "Who is she anyway?" He asked. "I was close to dying as you saw when I arrived. I had eaten close to nothing and had cuts when I refused to have sex or whatever. She came in with a hamburger and a 1st aid kit. She helped me amd stayed with me refusing to let them hurt me. When I was well enough. We planned to escape. She was shot on the way out. We became friends and I am grateful for her" I said a tear sliding down my cheek. "I don't want another persons blood on my hand. I can't let anyone else die cause if my stupidity Alfred. Not like mum" I said the tears falling again. He ushered me into another hug. "Your mother died happy knowing you were safe and protected. She knew what Joker was caple of and thats why she took the bullet. Your friend did the same. Your friend will be ok cause Bruce wont let the doctors fail." He said. "Thanks. I think I'm going to catch some sleep" I said and walked upstairs towards my room. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.

When I woke up I found myself curled into someones side. I lifted my head a bit to see a familar pale face. Joker. I layed my head back on his chest and tried to fall asleep. I dreaded for the news I would get if I shook him awake. The sudden movement if me laying back down caused him to stur. "Edith...I know your awake" He said sleeply. I groaned. "Diana is fine" He said sighing. I let out a sigh of reilf. "How come your in my bed?" I asked. "Bruce said it would build the relationship I want with you." He said. I nodded and sat up stretching as I reached the sitting position. "Concider it a move forward" I said. "I heard you before you were kiddnapped. You called me dad" He said. I stayed silent. With everything on my mind, I forgot I called him dad. "Yes I did. You are my real dad after all and I needed your attention" I said. He nodded. "Do you really see me as a dad though? I mean I tried to kiddnap you" He questioned. "Your not the best dad yes but you saved me From an explotion. you tried your hardest to find me, to me you may be a crazy ass villian but you are my dad" I said moving to him to hug him. He hugged me back a little stiff at first. "I guess I never really had a role model for a father and I never thought I could be one thats why I ..."
"Pushed mother away when you found out about me" I finished his sentance. He nodded. His head bowing down as he did so. "You arent the best one. But you certainly are a fun one!" I exclaimed. He laughed. There was a knock at the door and Alfed popped in. "Sorry to interupt but Bruce said we can get some breakfast and go visit Diana" Alfred said. He smiled at me obviously listening into my conversation with Dad. "Thankyou alfred. We will be down in a minute" I replied smiling. He smiled back and walked out. "Did your mother ever give you anything when she passed on" He asked. "Her diary a purple coat and some pictures of her and grandad" I said digging  through my draws to find them. I pulled them out and Layed them on the bed. "Theres also this letter. I think its for you but it was in her room and Addressed to you." I said handing it to him. "Thankyou" He said flashing me his Joker smile. "Im going to go downstairs and eat..come down whenever your ready" I said and walked out the room giving him the letter.

Joker POV

Edith walked out the room and I opened the letter. It was from Scarlett before she died. It read:


If you are reading this, it means something has happened to me. I know you didn't want our little girl to start of with but she is really great. I hope you try and find her in the near future. Know he goddparents they will try to keep her from your clutches. She looks like you, She has your eyes and smile. She is really great.

I want to move on. I know you said that I was the cure for you to be sane but Maybe Edith is. Edith will never give up on the people she loves when shes older..Shes bravw and shes only 5. She is truely amazing. If you are reading this it means you found her and are trying to do your best at keeping her safe. She is amazing and cute. Stay with her. Protect her. Every man in Gotham is going to have their eyes on her.

I love you J Alway have and always will. You were true love ever since you kiddnapped me. I love you. But please look after Edith..
If not I will haunt you.


I took a deep breath trying to keep all the emotions inside.
I miss you Scarlett. The people who kiddnapped her will pay I promice. I will kill them Just like Rowen.

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