Purple Cars and Clowns

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"Have fun! Harley will look after you for the weekend. I hear her friend ks around as well so that will fun" grandad called from the driver seat of the car. I nodded and ran up to Harleys front door. I knocked twice till I was greeted with Uncle Floyd. "Floyd!" I screamed. "Geez your how old?" He huffed as he tried to wriggle out of my grip. "19 year old and yet I'm still staying in my God mother and God fathers houses" I said. He laughed. "Overprotective Grandad?" Floyd questioned. "Don't even go there" I huffed. He laughed and picked up some of my bags to take to my room. "You staying?" I asked Floyd. "Only for a couple of months then I'm off again" he said. I humed in reponce then flopped onto my bed. "Still a child?!" Harleys voice came in the rolm as she opened the door. "Yup as always!" I said sarcastically. She laughed. "I need to ask you something" I said. "Sure go ahead" she said. "Do you know anyone with a neon purple car?" I asked. Her face went white. Or as white as it could get. "Dont leave this house. Floyd! I need to see bruce. Baby sit" she said. "Why shes 19" he asked. "Daddys home" she grinned. His face went pale the grined. He looked at me. "Mario cart?" He asked. "What are you like 12" I huffed. He laughed and they played a game of mario cart.

Joker POV:

I waited for harley to leave the house. When she did I made my way up to the door in my disguse. I knocked at the door and waited.

Edith POV:

"I will get it!" Floyd said pausing the game. I sat there in silence taking small swigs of my drinks. A few minutes after there was some shouting and what sounded like fighting comming from the front door. Searching the kitchen draws I looked for the gun I knew Harley kept in her draw. When I found it I ram to the living room to be pointing the gun at the one and only Joker.
"Hiay sweetheart!" He called out stepping an inch closer to me. "Move and I shoot" I warned vemon dripping from everyword I spoke. "Ooh still a bit touchy I see" he joked. "Why wouldnt I be. You killed my mum. Said I was yours and Ran." I said the gun shaking in my grasp. I tried so hard not to cry. "YOU THINK I WANTED TO KILL HER!" He screamed making me jump. "I loved her and she kept giving updates about you even though I...I didn't want you" he said looking down. I took a deep breath. "So you think 17 years later is a better time to fix thing up?" I questioned. "Look I just wanted to see you, see who you have become." He said. "A better person than you no doubt" I replied sharply. "But shooting that gun wont change a thing" he said edging closer. I flicked the safety off glaring at him harder than I was already. "Where Floyd?" I asked. "Napping" he said. He edged closer to me again and finger lined the trigger. "Dont make me shoot" I warned. "Go on! Be a daddys girl!" He yelled happily. "I am one thing but never a daddys girl. Exspecially to one who wasnt here for half of my life. He strode over to me face to face. "You either come with me nicely or the hard way" he warned pointing a finger at me. I spat in his face and said "in your little crazy dreams". This seamed to piss him off as he drew his had back to hit but was interupted. "PUDDIN'!" Harley screamed. He sighed put on a smile and turned to face him. "DARLIN'" he acted. "I missed you" she said. When she bought him in a bone crushing hug she mouthed to me to leave. I nodded and snuck out to be greeted with Batman. He opened his arms out and ran into them. As he went up on one of gagets I saw the purple car with Joker kissing harley by it. I sighed and clutched Brice harder. I was now on the hitlist for my dad.

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