Second Chances

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A/n- I changed the age of edith to 19 cause I didn't think it was right for her to be still be living with Bruce and Harley if shes 27. Also i think it might be funnier if Joker gets irrated with her moodyness if shes a teen.

I woke again to be held in his arms. I pretend to be asleep so I didn't have to walk. "I know your awake" he cooed. I groaned. He laughed at me but contined to hold me in his arms. A cold breeze tickled the back of my exsposed neck and curled closer to his chest to gain warmth. It was about another 10 mins before we entered what looked like a cottage. "So we're staying here for a few days." He said. "Make yourself at home"
I nodded and made my way around the house. I wasn't really tired so I didn't need to sleep. I soon found my room. It was beautfully decorated. "Like it?" He asked comming through the doorway with no shirt on. I nodded and continued to look around. "How long was this set up?" I asked. "Not long ago really. I did the same with your mother. When she ran away" he said looking down. I sat on the bed staring at him. I scanned every tattoo that littered his body every scar. He fancinated me. I tried to find reseblance of myself in him but he was soo pale and ghost like for me to see. I patted the bed as a signal for space to sit. He smiled softly soemthing I never thought a crazy man could acomplish. He made himself comfortable and I layed my head in his lap. "Your mum used to do this" he stated. I remained silent my eyes slowly closing. "Grandad would do it when I was small and I had a nightmare" i said quitely. Joker didnt respond but still ran his fingers through my hair untangling the knots that had formed. "What was mum like?" I asked. "She was increadible paicent" he smiled. I smiled waited for him to continue. "How did she like react when she 1st met you?" You asked. "Well at 1st i was driving and knocked her over. I got out and helped her back up" he said. "Then you kidnapped her" I replied bluntly. There was a pause. An awkward silence. "Yes" he said bluntly. "The same thing you attempted to do with me" I muttered. He sighed. There I new my answer. "Goodnight Joker" I said. His head fell down in disappointment when I called him Joker not dad. But he nodded and walked out. I layed down staring at the patterns the celling made through the brushstrokes of the paint. My thoughts wandered back to Lex. Was I just part of his plan? Did I really mean anything to him? Does love me?
He threw me off the edge of a building. That isn't love. He wanted me to do with him. What would of happened if I did...I would of been dead if superman didn't save me.
Damn this night is confusing.
My thoughts soon lead me to fall asleep.

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