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Today I was popping round to Metroplis to Daily Planet to talk to some people there. I don't why I needed to but Alfred said it would be good to have some fun away from the city. I loved metroplis and I haven't been in ages, months to be exact.
I was walking down the streets, like everyone does when I bumped into someone. Pulling out one of the headphones I had in my ear I saw Lex. "Edith?" He questioned. I turned around and smiled. If we were to end up dancing there would be no Clark Kent to save me. "What are you doing here?" He questioned. "Having a break from Gotham. Family problems" I stated. "Where are you staying?" He asked enthusascially. "Im my grandads  apartment here." I said. He nodded. "Do you want to get a coffee?" He asked. "Like a date?"I asked. "If you want it to be" he smirked. I pushed away playfully and nodded. He held out his arm and we set off.
It was nice to hang aroynd woth someone different. We talked a lot. I keep looking over my shoulder exspecting the Joker to snag me. I was pretty shaken when I got home. What 'dad' said had creeped me out. "Edith? No one is following us. Why are you so paranoid?" Lex asked. "Nothing...It's...no nevermind" I said. He gave me a concerned look and then thought nothing if it. I sighed and looked ahead. We were walking to a peir. I started to panic. Harley drove me off a peir and ever since I have been petrified to go near one. My heart was pound as Lex dragged me closer to the edge of one. "Whats the matter?" He asked sounding concerned. "I'm sorry. But my godmother deicided to drive us off a peir once. I nearly died. Bad exsperiances I guess." I said. He nodded. "Don't worry. Your to young to die anyway." He remarked smiling to try lift my mood. "Wow. Thanks that makes me feel so much better" I said sarcastically. He laughed. We stood there in a comfortable silence looking out at the peir, watching the sun.

(Photo taken by Me!)It was calming and a comfortable silence

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(Photo taken by Me!)
It was calming and a comfortable silence. I could hear his feet shuffling closer to me. He held his arm up and I sunggled into his side. "I should get home" I said. He nodded. "Allow me to walk you home" he offered. "No really I'm fine. I will text when I get home" I said. He looked at me with a hurt exspression but did nithing just stepped aside and let me walk by. When I turned the corner I saw that my appoitment was way padt the time. I sighed. I'd have to reseduled. I was walking home when a car went speeding by me. Stupid people and rackng down the road. About 5 more came past and the last knocked me in the road. One stopped and The Joker stepped out. I gasped and tried to get away as fast as I could.  He turned around and looked at me. A shoked exspression appeared on his face. "Edith" he said. Turned around sharply to be met face to face to him. "What!" I demanded. "No hello father?" He laughed. "You may be my biological father but you are never a father to me" I replied vemon driping from my voice. He sighed. "Look...I'm sorry" he said groaning. "Sorry doesn't bring mum back does it?" I said. I didn't wait for a reply I just turned on my heel and sped walked home. "That child will be the death of me" I heard him yell. I sighed and walked home. A shit end to a perfect day.

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