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Diana had made a smooth recovery..I thought it was ebst to give the freedom she wanted. However Bruce demanded to question her..Concidering she was a gaurd where I was kept she had to have some idea of who kiddnapped me. "Diana, I understand that your still weak but for the saftey of my daughter I need information" Bruce said.."Shes not your daughter!" Joker yelled through the glass. Bruce walked out the interrigation room.
"Shes more of a daughter to me than she is to you!" Bruce shouted. Whilst they were having a mini argument, my phone vibrated. I took it out of my pocket and saw I had a text from an unknown number. 

Coming soon, my love- unknown

Shocked I dropped the phone. Who is it?! I walked passed Bruce and Joker towards Diana. She looked up as I entered the room. "See its going well" I chuckled trying to brighten the mood. "Why yes!" She laughed along. "Would you answer me? If I asked the questions I mean?" I asked. She nodded. "Whos your boss?" I asked simply. She sighed. "I can't answer that question"
"What do you mean?" I asked, I would be lying if I say I wasn't getting annyoed. "I only know my boss not the big one" She said. "do you have a phone?" I asked. "Why do you need to know that?" She questioned. "I have a text, asuming its this big boss your talking about, and He seeing me 'soon' he says. Now answer my question. Do you have a phone?" I threatened. "Yes, Its in my bag, there is the big boss number but I don't know who he is" She said. I stared at her analysing her behavoiur.
When I was conviced that she was telling the truth I stormed out of the room, clutching my phone tightly as It vibrated with another text.
"Edith?" Bruce called as he saw me storm to the spare room where Diana was staying. "Bruce, Please let me go" Joker said, pleading to prove what a good dad he can be..Bruce nodded and Joker ran after me.
Joker found me in my room, phone on the floor opened with the text. He looked at the text.
Groaning he set it on the floor and enveloped me in a hug. I curled in his chest. "I'm Sorry" He said. "What do you mean?" I questioned. "I was never there for you, as a kid, And Now I am and within the 1st hour you get kiddnapped for a week" He said. "So what, I know you didnt sleep a wink when I did, you tried your hardest. And your a clown, you've never exsperianced children before, Im pretty sure I dont have siblings" I said. He laughed. "I'm a bad person Edith, I even killed my one love" He said looking away. I smiled. "Shes happy now, dad. Looking over us smiling" I said. He turned to face me. "I surpose she is" He said hugging me again. "We need to track that text" I said. "Yes lets go to your grandad" He laughed. He stood up, helped
me to my feet and grabbed the phone.

Maybe he isnt that bad after all

Soo sorry guys,
Will update more I promice, I have been dealing with personal problems and got distracted with them, Soo sorry love you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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