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     Street lights fly by as we go down the highway, "Luke, why are we going out again? Didn't you already give me my gift already?"

     All he does is shrug his shoulder, continuing to focus on the road. The familiar Chicago scenery comes into my view, "No way," I smile bouncing slightly in the seat. I missed Chicago so much, Daddy and I would come out here every month for stuffed deep dish pizza when I was little, but over the years the trips were less frequent , but when we did go I would hold on to it as long as I could whenever Daddy did find the time for me.

"Love, you alright?" Luke asks worried. I didn't even know I was crying till I feel a warm tear run down my cheek, quickly I compose myself.

"Yeah, I'm alright, just memories and such," he nods his head, leaving it at that.

     "So, are you going to tell me where we're going?" I ask looking his way with a hopeful smile, but it quickly turns into a pout as he says no. I let out a huff and look out the window. I rest my palm onto my cheek and watch the building pass by one by one. I grab my phone and look up the Cubs they we're doing decent last I knew.

     "HOLY CRAP!" Luke jumps as I smile at my phone, " they won the World Series!"

     Luke looks at the road as more cars seem to filter their way onto the street, "Who?"

     "The Cubs, they're a baseball team and the freaking win the World Series!" I smile, but then it soon drops, "I didn't get to even see any of it crap." I sigh looking at Luke.

     "Lukey, if we're still something by next year can we go to the World Series if the cubbies make it again?" He nods his head not saying another word.

     We pull up to a very large building with tons of flashy people with faux get coats, leather attire, diamond and gold galore, "Luke what are we doing here?" I ask quietly, looking at the flashy people.

     "You'll be fine love," he pats my knee and gets out, walking to the other side to open my door, "Thank you," I nod my head and intertwine my fingers with his.

     He hands a guy near the front door his keys, "Nearest spot available," is all he says before we walk through the open doors.

     "Thank you," I smile at the nice guy holding the door open. He nods his head as I carry on walking ahead with Luke. "Who are those people out there?" I ask pointing to the window full of random people with big, flashing cameras.

    "Paparazzi? Luke, why are they here?" I stop and look up at him.

    "They're usually around for known people." He answers flatly.

     "Well, why are they here? You're hiding something and I want to know. Now," I rip my hand away his and cross my arms, "I don't like lies, Lucas."

     "Lets just go," he huffs rolling his eyes. I shake my head no, "Alice, lets. Go," he tries to grab my arm but I step away.

     "No. Luke, tell me now."

     "Later." He huffs running his hands through his hair.

      "Luke fucking tell me now." I huff as my face grows slightly red.

     "Geez you're so stubborn," he mumbles under his breath , "Well, you know how Calum has a company and it's doing well and all that right?" I nod my head ,"Well, I'm in the modeling business and during the summer break I model for companies quite a lot. Happy?" He sighs annoyed.

    "Yes. I don't get why that was so hard," I shake my head, "let's just go now."

    He nods his head and we carry on walking. I keep my head down and follow behind Luke, but when I look up he's not there.

    "Shit," I mumble walking around looking for a blonde head of hair.

     Somebody taps my shoulder and I look around to see Harry and Louis, "Hey Alice," Harry beams.

     "Hey Harry, Hey Louis. By chance would you know where Luke is?" They look at each other and shake their heads no, "great cause I sort of lost him."

     "Well we have to dash Simon needs us, sorry to leave you love," Harry pecks me on the cheek as the two of them walk away.

     "Don't worry Luke already did," I mumble looking around.

     Finally I see Luke's blond head of hair in a group of people and I walk over just to see him with his arm slung over some girls shoulder.

     I walk up behind him from his little circle of friends and poke his shoulder he doesn't look back, so I slap his back with the back of my hand.

     He turns around and smiles, "Hey love, can you wait a minute while I finish my chat."

     "Sure, of course," I mumble rolling my eyes. I grab my phone and stand behind Luke, bored. I huff and scroll through my phone trying to find some for of distraction. I look up and see a guy standing alone with brown roots but for the most part blonde hair. I walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder he turns around and flashes me a smile.

"Hello there, names Niall," he smiles grabbing my hand and kisses the top of it.

"Alice," I smile trying not to fangirl, "I saw you standing alone and well my date right now is talking," I huff.

"That's not what a man should do to his date," he says shaking his head slightly, "Is it Hemmings over there?"

"Yeah," he nods his head. "Oh, do you think you can tell me where I am? He wanted to surprise me, but the only surprise so far is him ignoring me."

"Well, you're at a fashion show called Pretty in Pink. Some people are invited others just attended cause they can."

I nod my head once before looking back at Luke to see he's still talking, "Not to be a bother but what should I do?" I ask motioning towards Luke.

"I got you," strangely he looks familiar. I follow behind Niall as he walks towards Luke. Niall taps Luke on the shoulder and he turns around, "What do you think you're doing Hemmings?"

Luke arches an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, what are you doing leaving Alice, YOUR DATE, alone?" Niall asks crossing his arms.

"She was right here." Luke huffs motioning to where I'm standing now.

"Then why did she walk over to me?" Niall counters pressings his lips into a line.

       "I- I don't know," He sighs pinching his nose.

     "Next time pay attention to your date mate," Niall sighs shaking his head, "Catch ya later Alice." Niall waves walking away.

      I gave a small wave back, "See you later." The rest of the night thankfully goes smoothly as I gawd from beside Luke at the gorgeous outfits, after making our way back to Brooke's around eleven.

     We make our way inside to find the house quiet, must be asleep. Luke and I get dressed into our pajamas and slip into be, "Hey, princess," I turn around to face him, "I'm sorry about leaving you, I sometimes because an ass when I'm around those people."

     "It's alright, just wanna sleep now," I mumble snuggling into his side.

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