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"Geez," I mumble as I blindly reach out for my buzzing phone. Letting out a big yawn I turn off my alarm and groggily get out of bed and make my way to my dresser, grabbing a white skirt and my black flats. Before leaving my room I grab a pair of my long socks and a new pair of underwear and a bra. Quickly showering, I put on Luke's shirt again and the rest of my clothes. I tuck his baggy shirt into my shirt before doing my hair and makeup.

"Alice, you have half and hour!" Father yells from downstairs.

"Okay, I'll be down in a second," I answer back, turning off my curling iron and putting on my glasses.

I go back to my room and grab my book bag and phone. My phone buzzes in my hand as I make my down down the stairs and I see it's from the random number, "Good morning, love <3"

I sigh and put my phone into my pocket. I make my way to the cupboards and grab a granola bar and an apple off the table before hearing Luke's horn, "Bye Daddy!" I yell as I leave the house.

     "Hey," I greet waving to Luke as I open the car door.

      'Hey," I gives a very small smile before driving off towards the school. He glances at me once more, "Wait, are you wearing my shirt?"

     "Oh, uh yeah. It was pretty comfy," I say a bit embarrassed. He nods his head an focuses back on the road.

      Luke parks his car and the two of us get out and make our way to the school. I walk a bit ahead of Luke, but as I look back before entering the school I see two of "those girls" practically throwing themselves onto him. I remember what Maddie said and shake my head before turning back around and making my way to my locker. Even before I can make it to my locker two girls off of the cheerleading team corner me.

      "Follow us," the brunette says grabbing onto my arm and pulling me into the janitor's closet.

      "W-what do you guys want?" I ask holding onto my book bag's straps.

      "For you to stay away from our Lukey," the blonde glares.

     "W-why? He's my friend," I look down so I don't have to look into their piercing stares.

     The two burst out into a fit of giggles, "Ha! Him be friends with you! That's funny," her face then turns serious, "when will you figure out nobody likes you or will ever love you," she gives me a fake sad look before laughing once again.

       Maybe she is right. Maybe Luke isn't really my friend, maybe Ash, Calum, and Mikey aren't either. What if Niall or Maddie aren't even my friends. Tears well up in my eyes as I begin to think. What if my dad doesn't even love me.

     "Awe little, ugly Alice is going to cry. Go ahead and cry you weak piece of trash," she pushes me harshly and I lose my balance and fall to the ground, letting the tears fall.

      "What d-did I do?" I ask wiping the tears from my cheeks.

     "You're just a waste of space who needs to know how things go, so maybe do us a favor and drop dead," she smiles. The bell for class rings, "Well, ta-ta, loser," the two of them laugh as she gives me a couple hard kicks to my knee, making me cry out in pain. She turns out the lights and I'm left along in the dark with just my thoughts.

     In the dark room my phone lights up as it lets out a quick buzz. I pull out my phone and see it's a message from Calum.

     Cal Pal: Hey you weren't at your locker today, you alright?

     Me: I'm fine.

     Cal-pal: Where are you at????

     Me: Janitor's  closet

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