Like most writers, I enjoy writing about emotions. How do people
feel after bereavement? When life bombards them with problems?
When the unexpected in life happens?
A few of the short stories in this collection were inspired by my
creative writing book with the prompt 'As seen through a window.'
I told someone that I couldn't write stories of this length, then
found two that I had written some time ago and then I added
Did I manage to write well at 500 words? Only you can say.
I hope you enjoy the characters within the stories and
can connect with their emotions.
I don't like swearing and bad language, but I have
included it within the story 'Drug Dealer' as it
seemed appropriate.
(I couldn't say or write the 'f' word to save my life).
Emotional Connections
Kısa HikayeA collection of 500 word short stories, portraying different emotions.