Meeting the Brothers and a, Talking Unicorn? 4

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                                                                            Saturday Morning

I wake up, do my business in the bathroom and change into a 'Panic! At the Disco' shirt. Man, I love that band. I slide on some black leggings and my old pair of black combat boots. I pull my hair into a messy bun, while I walk downstairs. I walk into the living room to see my brothers on the couch, looking agitated.

"Hey." I smile. Their heads shoot up and they half smile, but they surely do fade away almost as fast as they came.

I frown, hoping they don't go berserk. 

"When are they coming?" Austin asks, his foot repeatedly tapping on the hardwood floor.   


"Your 'new friends'. When are they going to be here?" James asks, with a pointed look. 

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you not remember that they were coming over today?" Jake asks while crossing his arms over his chest, his bushy eyebrows furrow into a dark stare. Then it dawns on me. They said they'll be coming over on Saturday. Its already Saturday? Wow, time flies. I smile sheepishly.

"I'll text them." I say, I run back up to my room and grab my phone off of my desk. I scroll the contacts list and find Tyler's. I press call.


"Hey Tyler, whats up?"

"Oh, hey Max. Nothing really. You?"

"Um, when are you guys coming over?"

"Funny you would ask, we were talking about that. We're on our way. Bye."

"Bye." I hang up and walk back downstairs. Once I'm back in the living room I say, "They're on there way." They nod.

  ---   Ten Minutes Later  ---

The doorbell rings. "I got it!" I yell then I run to the door. I swing it open, "Hey." I say breathlessly.

"Hey, Max. Can we come in or..." Tyler trails off. I open the door wider for them to walk in.

"Come on in," I say in a southern accent. Val snickers as we make short eye contact. 

"That was horrible." Val comments, looking around my house.

"Just like you," I mumble. We walk back into the living room, the boys sit down on the couches while I sit on the love seat. Then Austin walks out of the hall way into the living room.

"Boys, this is Austin. Austin this is Tyler, Clarence, Chance, and Val." I point to them.



"Hey." Tyler, Clarence and Chance say while Val nods.

"Well, I'm obviously Austin, Maxes oldest and favorite brother." Austin cockily smirks. 

"Yeah right. In your dreams loser." I say and Austin sticks his tongue out at me, I smile.

"Anyway, I go to Harvard. I'm on 'vacation'. Well, see you around. Oh and another thing...If you even dare to hurt a single hair on my baby alert. Well, see ya." He walks back to the hallway, then James and Jake come out.

"James, Jake. This is-"

"Don't care," Jake says. "I already hate them."

"Bro! Be nice!" James whisper shouts.

Jake scoffs, "Have you met me? I'm not nice, especially to the guys that know Max."

"Dude! They befriended Max. Show some respect asshole."James glares at Jake. Jake rolls his eyes and shuts up. "Sorry about that. Jake here is as sweet as a stale warhead."

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