Bunnies and Cereal. 33

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- Maxes P.O.V -

That's right, I admitted it.

I like Val.

What ya going to do about it?

That's what I thought...bitches.

Wait-who the fuck am I talking to?

Yourself, that's right.

Anyway...I kinda always knew, I liked Val. I just wasn't willing to admit it. Cause, I was still in love with Adien, and I didn't want to betray him or anything like that. But, ever since Adien appeared in my dream, how many minutes ago, I guess it lifted a weight off my shoulders. But, I am not admitting to Val I like him. He has been using the 'best friend' card on me lately. So, yeah.

Mission abort. If you know what I mean.

I shake my head to get rid of my crazy thoughts as I open the car door. And just as I'm about to sit down, I see little baby bunnies on the car floor.

Oh, cool. Baby bunnies.

Wait-baby bunnies?!

I squeal in delight as I carefully pick up one of the babies. "They are so cute!" I nearly squeal, bringing the bunny near my nose. "Hey little guy." I whisper.

The baby bunny, who i'm going to name Fluffles, for right now. I'll officially name him, or her later. Fluffers, nuzzles their nose onto mine. And I mentally squeal. 

I hold the precious bunny in my arms. "Can we keep them?" I ask, bouncing up and down, from leg to leg.

Val's eyes strangely widen, but he gives me a soft smile. "Sure, anything for my little May." He coo's childishly, bending down, and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. A light blush appears on my face. And Val pokes my left cheek. "Ladybug." He laughs, mocking my story form earlier.

"Whatever." I mumble, as Val picks up the other bunny. The bunny in my arms is all white, while the one Val is holding is white and black on it's ears and around his body. So adorable.

"Wait!" I shriek, Val's head snapping up to look at me.

"What?" He asks, worriedly.

"Can you hold Fluffles?" I ask, walking over to him, and lightly placing Fluffles in his other arm. 

"Fluffles? How original." Val chuckles, as I cough awkwardly. I grab my phone.

 "Say cheese!" I smile, as I take a few photos. One of him looking down at the bunnies, with a soft smile. Another one where he has a cheeky grin plastered on his face. And the last one, he was his tongue sticking out with his eyes cross eyed. My personal favorite, is the one where he's looking down at the bunnies. Adorable. I quickly post the picture on my Instagram.

"Okay now you're turn." Val smiles mischievously. I raise an eyebrow as he places one of the bunnies in my hands, and he takes my phone, and carefully places Fluffles in my hand. 

"Did you names your's yet?" I murmur, looking down at the bunnies in adoration. I love animals. More than I love food. And that's saying something.

"Hmm?" He hum's, continuing with snapping photos of me. I give him a goofy face.

"Did you name you're bunny yet?" I murmur again, raising the bunnies up, and lightly pushing they're noses together. So it looks like the bunnies are kissing. 

"No, not yet." He mumbles, looking through the photos. 

"Fluffers is only temporary." I state, walking over to him. 

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