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When I needed you the most, you left me.-Anonymous


Maxes P.O.V.

"Max, whats wrong?" Clarence asks.

"Jake's here." I say, almost a whisper. My stomach turns, but I ignore it.

Tyler rolls his eyes. "Like he's actually going to hurt us."

"Have you met me? I'm pretty violent. Who do you think I get it from? James? Austin? Mason? I don't think so." I exclaim to this dumb ass, that I call my friend.

"I don't care anymore. If he thinks that were going to stop being friends with you cause he threatens us," Val scoffs. "he has another thing coming."

I smile gratefully at him. "Dude, that was an awesome speech, but this is Jake were talking about. He taught me how to fight. He's the only one I can't beat, that I've countered with, I should say. Look....I just don't want you guys to get hurt cause of me." I say, with a deep sigh. Then, Jake walks into the room.

"Hey Max. You ok?" He asks, eyeing the guys.

I roll my eyes. "What did they ever do to you?"

"Become friends with my little sister. Who's that again? Oh yeah, you." He says while pointing at me.

"Do you want me to be lonely?" I ask.

"NO! Just...did you really have to become friends with guys?"

"Not all of them are guys! Look to your left." I say. Jake gives me a confused look but looks to his left, to see Kayla.

"Oh, hey. Sorry didn't see you there. I'm Jake, Maxes coolest brother."

"NO YOU'RE NOT!" Austin and James yell from downstairs.

"I AM!" Mason yells.

"He's only five, yet he's so smart." I say. Jake glares at me as I put my hands up in surrender.

"I'm Kayla, Maxes coolest friend." Kayla playfully winks at the guys.

"Whatever." Clarence and Val scoff. While Chance and Tyler roll their eyes.

"Now...could you leave?" I ask Jake.

"Why?" He whines.

"Jake, I love you. But your to clingy."

"Are you breaking up with me?" He fake sniffles.

"Yes Jake. Were done. And take cuddly with you." I smirk. He glares at me.

"Why you little cotton headed ninny muggins!" He yells while tackling me to my bed.

"Jake! You weight like ten hundred pounds! Get off!" I wheeze. He laughs and rolls off me.

"I only weight like....two hundred and forty five pounds, not ten hundred." He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, sure. Anyway, can you leave?"


"Dude, please!" I whine.

"Why?" He asks. Before I could answer him I feel vomit come up my throat, I run to my bathroom, and I slam the door shut and I puke my guts out. God damn! I'm still sick!

"MAX?!" Jake yells, while banging his fist on my door. I puke again. "OPEN THIS DOOR!" Jake yells.

"NO! I'M PUKING!" I say then I puke again. Once i'm sure that all of it's out of my system, I lie down on my back, the cold tile floor feeling heavenly.

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