Chapter 17 - Roxy

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I walked around some more, completely bored. I could go on my phone and browse through social media but that could only go so far. Besides, social media was usually too consuming. It took us away from what was literally in front of us.

I walked down another hallway.

"Gare Bear!" I wrapped my arms around him for a hug.

He wrapped his arms loosely around my mid back and hugged me.

"What are you doing here so late?" Okay, maybe it wasn't so late. It was only four o'clock in the afternoon. But almost everyone was gone.

"I could ask you the same question."

"Finn has to stay for one of his AP classes. I'm waiting for him, since he's my ride."

"I actually stayed for a class project. I'm heading home now. I could take you home."

"It's fine. Finn's almost out. Where's Carter?" I looked around, not seeing him. Garrett was usually Carter's ride.

Garrett's eyes wondered, avoiding my gaze. He seemed skeptical about whether or not to tell me. As if deciding whether or not it was a good idea to let me in on what he knew. He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again. "He's actually with Daniella."

I didn't say anything, remaining silent. I didn't know what to say. What was I supposed to say?

"No, Roxy, it's not what you think," he started upon seeing my reaction. "He's not back with her or anything like that. Daniella wanted to talk to him. I guess she wanted to say a few things. Maybe apologize. I'm not sure." He shrugged his shoulders. "Either way, I'm leaving. Carter said he was going to get a ride from someone."

I nodded my head.

"You sure you don't want a ride?"

"I'm sure, thanks. See you later, Garrett." I hugged him.

"Later, Roxy." We pulled away, and he walked away.

I walked around some more, making my way out to the quad, continuing to move, not stopping or sitting down on one of the lunch tables. Might as well get a few steps in. I looked around. There wasn't anyone here. It was only me. Or at least I thought.

Over by a wall to my left, there were a few guys. Their laughs echoed and so did some grunts. I walked a few feet in their direction, seeing that they were hitting someone. They were beating someone up. On school grounds!

This wasn't my best decision, but I made my way over to them.

"Hey!" I called out.

Immediately, they all ran, not wanting to be caught.

I made my way over to the person on the ground. It was another guy. He was crouched down on the ground, clutching his stomach, trying to get himself up but struggling. As I stepped closer to him, I realized it was...


I kneeled on the ground beside him, seeing that he was hurt badly. He turned and laid on his back, revealing his bloody face. I think the blood came from his nose or maybe his busted lip.

My vision became blurred, and I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Carter." My throat was tight.

He winced and opened his eyes. "Roxy," he managed to say.

"Carter, come on." Wrapping his arm around my shoulders, I wrapped my arm around his back, helping him get off the ground.

He groaned in pain as we made our way inside the school hallway. I was going to take him to Finn's car in the parking lot. Carter was much heavier and therefore it was harder to help him walk. All his weight was coming down on me, but I managed.

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