2 - Day 2

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I woke up to the sound of pouring rain and crashing thunder. The wind blew violently, and rain pelted the apartment rooftop. Trees were waving wildly and about an inch of rainwater was on the road.

'Damn...' I thought. It was raining cats and dogs! Groggy, I checked the time.

"5:14?" Too early. My mind doesn't function properly until around 9. Therefore, I went back to bed, drifting off into a soundless sleep.

When I woke up again, it was 7:00. Still pretty early, but it was better than 5. I quickly checked my phone, searching for any chats. There was one; it was Yoosung!

[Username]: Good morning, Yoosung
Yoosung: It's morning, [Username]! Did you have breakfast?
[Username]: No.
Yoosung: So.. so cold...;;

I chuckled. Yoosung was pretty cute! Although it's only been two days, I've already begun to think of these Members as family.

Yoosung was my little brother, Jumin & 707 were the older brothers that cared for me, and Jaehee was like an older sister looking out for me. I couldn't be any happier...

Yoosung: I guess you don't really eat in the morning. You should tho~

I sweat dropped. I just woke up...

Yoosung: I...tried making making an omelette this morning and completely failed T_T

He then proceeded to send the picture of the failed omelette. Sure, it didn't look good but it was cute...in a way...

Yoosung: I'm so bad at cooking! I even joined the cooking club, but I have zero talent.

I laughed. It was mean, but I couldn't help it! It was entertaining to see him in distress.

Yoosung: Can I make it up by being good at playing games?

My fingers raced through the keyboard, tapping the screen at lightning speed.

[Username]: You can

Yoosung began to whine and complain.

Yoosung: Zen complains of not having a girlfriend in years...when I'VE NEVER HAD A GIRLFRIEND.
[Username]: I guess lol

Our conversation was cut short, however, because Yoosung had to get on the bus. We both left the chat and said our goodbyes. Quickly, I got up and got dressed. After everything was finished, I sat down on the soft couch, thinking about how to spend my day. I wasn't employed, and I had already gotten out of high school. My thoughts began to wander.

'I could go to the mall...'

Getting off of the couch, I peered inside the fridge. There was nothing. No drinks, no food, nothing. I sighed.

"I need to start cooking for myself..." I muttered. First things first. I need to get groceries. I glanced at the time, the clock reading 7:30. I had time. I grabbed my things and went out the door.

As soon as I exited, the crisp, fresh air immediately hit me. The sun was low in the sky and clouds dusted the horizon. I took in the scenery while walking down onto the streets and made my way to the local convenience store. Today was a beautiful day.


Mentally crying, Jaehee vacuumed her house for the fifth time this morning. Elizabeth 3rd was shedding too much..! When would her boss come to pick up the damn cat!?

Due to occasional cat sitting jobs, Jaehee had grown to dislike these felines. No, more like despise. They just shed too much!!! She sighed.

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