Christmas Special ~ 2016

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The first thing I saw was his beautiful red eyes.


"It's so cold..." A puff of mist escaped your lips as you breathed out in the cold winter air. Christmas was approaching. You sighed. Pulling out your pockets, you were a little sad to find out not even a penny was there.

You were flat out broke. No money, no house, and all you could do was sell matchsticks.

"Just one," you said as you lit a matchstick. Suddenly, you're eyes widened slightly when you heard joyous music at the end of the street.

"Could that be...the parade?" You walked towards it, slowly breaking into a sprint. As soon as you reached the end, you were surrounded with a warm light. You smiled.

There were so many decorations! Christmas wreaths, peppermint candy canes, golden bells, and many things you can only dream of! It was beautiful. The decorated cars slowly drove by as people on top threw candy and waved.

You didn't care too much about those. However, there was one thing that captured your interest.

It was the beautiful red eyes you saw that day. They looked directly into yours for a brief moment. He smiled at you from atop the carriage and then turned his attention to the vast crowd ahead of him. Although it was brief, it was enough to charm you.

Suddenly, you began running in the direction in which the parade was traveling. You just had to meet the man!

'Please...' You thought. Suddenly, you fell. Looking back, you realized you tripped on something. You snapped back into reality and looked back up at the parade.

"Wait!" You yelled. "Please!"

The parade didn't stop. They kept moving, leaving you behind. Your eyes were wide with disbelief. Did they really leave you behind? You didn't really expect them to slow down for you though. After all, you were a dirty street rat.

Soon, you noticed it got really dark. You took out another matchstick and lit it up. You smiled as it's warmth enveloped you. Once again, you stood there watching the parade pass by. You smiled.

"They came back." The man was once again on top of the carriage smiling down at people. You smiled back as his eyes met yours once again. He began mouthing words to you. You couldn't read them clearly but it seemed like he said, "We'll meet again."

"Wait!" You yelled once more. You ran towards the carriage again as they seemed to move faster and faster.

'Not again...!' You thought. ' least tell me what your name is!'

"Thank you for coming!" The man shouted. And then, just like last time, they disappeared. There was no more warmth. You sighed as you looked at the last matchstick.

"Well, might as well use it." You struck the matchstick against the hard, cold pavement and watched it spark to life. Just like before, there was the parade.

"What's going on?" It seemed like a loop in time every time you struck a matchstick.

"You there!" You looked up to see the man once more gleaming at you.


"Yes, you young lady!" The carriage had stopped as well as the parade. He jumped down towards you and held out a hand. "Would you care to accompany me throughout this parade of joy and merry?" He asked. You smiled brightly.

"It'd be my pleasure." He walked towards the carriage and took the stairs that led to the rooftop of the carriage. He helped you up to the top. It was so warm...

"What is your name?" He asked you once the parade began moving again.

"I'm [Y/N]..." You said.

"[Y/N]..." He smiled back at you with those charming red eyes. "That's a beautiful name."

"Who are you?" You asked him.

"Me? My name is Ryu Hyun," he said. "Others call me Zen. T'is a pleasure to be in your presence, milady."

Zen bowed and kissed the top of your hand as you blushed.

"E-eh? Z-Zen! We're in public!" He pulled you closer to him and enveloped you into a hug.

"I don't care what other people think," he said. Your mouth slowly curved into a smile.

"Zen..." He smiled back at you and began stroking your hair. Your eyelids began to flutter and soon, you closed your eyes.



Zen walked through the cold streets on Christmas morning, smiling at everyone.

"Merry Christmas Jaehee!" He shouted to his neighbor.

"To you as well!" He smiled brightly. Today was an amazing day so far! He took a shortcut through an alley in an attempt to get to his good friend Yoosung's apartment. Suddenly, Zen dropped his presents and bags. He ran towards a girl who laid in the snow.

"Hey! Are you ok?" She didn't respond. Ok the ground, he could see some burnt matchsticks; three to be specific. He went to pick her up when he realized she was ice cold.

"Oh no..." He checked for a pulse. There was none.

"Someone!" He yelled. "Help! Please! Someone has died!"

Soon, the sirens rang through the streets as police arrived at the scene.

"Jumin..." Zen said with venom in his voice.

"Let's keep this civil right now and forget our hatred," the man said. He looked over at the girl. "What happened?"

"I don't know. I found her like this," Zen replied. Jumin shook his head.

"There's no hope for her," he said. Zen looked over at her. He spotted a piece of paper in her pocket and reached for it. He opened the said paper and began to read.

"To [Y/N] [L/N]
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season! Please do stay warm! My son is about to be born and I'd love it if you could attend the any shower we're having in a week!
From: [BFF]

Zen stated at the letter in disbelief.

"How tragic," Jumin said. "She died on her birthday."

"Yeah..." Zen's eyes softened and he picked up the corpse. "Let's go give her a proper burial."


The last thing I felt was the warmth of his hug.


This is crap. Sorry for not updating! If you didn't know already, this is my version of "The Little Matchgirl", Mystic Messenger Style!

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

~ Yume

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