5 - Day 5

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//guys, i don't have enough time to edit this anymore I'll continue when I can I'm sorry ily

I kept running. I knew that if I stopped, it would be certain death. I panted. My legs were getting tired, but I paid no attention. I kept running. The evil force behind me was catching up-
I'm running out of time! My legs started to give out, he was right behind me. His arm reached out to catch me but suddenly...


I woke up to find that a new chatroom had opened. It was 7:00 currently. I unlocked my phone and entered the chat.

"What's with that cat;;;" Zen asked.

"Zen~! I really really really really missed you. I almost died," I texted. I really did almost die. That evil force was coming for my head; I could feel the evil within it.

"What's up with you this morning?" Zen asked. "Don't be so cute! Did you eat?"

"Not yet," I replied. We chatted a little bit, no topic whatsoever. He did mention that a lot of his fans needed glasses after watching his DVDs late at night. I hugged the pillow right next to me as I continued to talk to Zen.

"You have to take care of your eyes too," he said. I smiled. Aw, he was looking out for me!

"I will, lovely Zen~"

"Lo...lovely...haha. It feels nice. My [Username], tell me whenever if you want anything," Zen said. Once again, Zen was in his narcissistic mode. Haha, he even asked if he got handsomer every day! Of course to me, he was already perfect but...you know...

Wouldn't hurt to tell him that right?

A lot of people are after Zen for his looks. I like his personality. He's flirty, caring, romantic~

He's P-E-R-F-E-C-T.

"Oh, I'd like to talk more, but I have an important meeting today so I have to go," Zen said. "Talk to you later!"

"Hope you have a great day, Zen! ^^"

For the rest of the day, I went out looking for quick ways to make money. I sighed. This would take a while...

I walked a dog for about 2 hours and got paid a hefty amount, considering this perfect spoiled their dog rotten and was rich as fuck.
Next, I stopped by the local pet store and stayed there for about 4 hours to help them out! I really wish I could take some of these beautiful animals and give them a home but I don't think they're allowed at Rika's Apartment...

Suddenly, there was another chatroom! I was right in the middle of feeding a young kitten some bottled milk so I decided to not answer them. Yeah, I felt bad but this kitten needed me more.

"C'mere Pickles!" The gray tabby meowed and slowly came forward. She was so precious! I held out a treat for her. Slowly but surely, she approached me. I had to build trust in her. She finally reached the treat and ate it.

"Aw~! You're so cute!"

After that, I decided to take a break and eat a quick lunch. I ate some salad while looking out into the beautiful blue sky.

The peace and quiet was disturbed when a chatroom opened. I sighed.

"Who is it this time...?" Oh, it was Yoosung!


"Zen got a lead role and he's acting with a famous TV star~!" I exclaimed. I was so happy for him!

"I saw it!! Echo Girl!! Ermergerd," Yoosung texted. He couldn't understand how Zen had never heard of Echo Girl. She was very popular. So popular, all her songs hit number one on the charts!

"Is she good at acting?" I asked. She was singer. That doesn't mean her talents with acting & drama are any good...

Yoosung brought up the Men of Monogamy, a group we could possibly invite.

Should I? I didn't know for sure, but the more, the merrier~

"Sounds fun. Alright, let's invite them," I said. It wouldn't harm anyone, right?

"I joined because I want to be faithful to my girlfriend I'll have in the future. I guess she's still far away..." Poor Yoosung.

"I hope Zen's girlfriend shows up in his life in the near future," I said. I probably had no chance with him, especially after Echo Girl and Zen will be acting together. I accepted the facts.

"Lolol." Yoosung left so he could eat and me? I left cuz I needed to finish my meal!

I sighed. Ever since I joined the RFA, I couldn't imagine life without them. It was as if my previous life style never...existed...

Right after I finished, it was around 3:30 so I decided to walk around and find little shops I could walk towards the station. Hopefully, I could catch a train ride out into the country a little bit. It wasn't that far.

I arrived at the little country town. I decided to walk around a bit to occupy myself before going home. I wandered off into a little anime store. Oh, the little figurines are so adorable~!

I ended up buying a key chain. Well, two. One for Zen, one for me~!
I giggled. I loved anime, and it was a secret from everyone due to my fear of being judged. I bought a cute chibi Holo and Lawrence keychain from Spice & Wolf.

"Thank you, and come again!" I walked out of the store at around 4:53. As soon as I got to the station, a chatroom opened.

"Really!?" I sighed. There wasn't much bickering this time. It was mostly about Echo Girl and Zen's new role.

Right after the chatroom, Zen called me. I smiled. He began to talk about how he was really nervous. Can't really blame the guy, this production was gonna be huge!!

"You can tell me anything. Just be comfortable," I said. He was such a nervous wreck! Practicing didn't help him much either...

"Do you think I deserve this?"

"Of course! You've prepared yourself all along for this!" I could hear him chuckle a little bit. We parted ways and I realized that the train was about to leave.

"Wait. No. Don't leave me behind!"


It took a while but here's Day 5!
Thanks for everything so far!

~ Yume

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