Valentine's Special ~ 2017

495 22 10

Warning: Contains FEELZ

[Username]: Zen?
[Username]: I know you're awake.
ZEN: Hey
ZEN: What's wrong?
[Username]: You know what's wrong
[Username]: Don't play dumb with me Hyun.
ZEN: [Y/N]? What's wrong? I honestly don't know

You grit your teeth as your fingers began tapping furiously on the screen.

[Username]: Stop it already!
ZEN: Are you ok?
[Username]: I clearly am not.
[Username]: I'm warning you, you should fix your mistake before it's too late.
ZEN: What mistake? What did I do? [Y/N], if you don't tell me, I can't fix it!
[Username]: You know very well what you did.
ZEN: I have absolutely no clue
ZEN: Whatever I did, I'm sorry and I apologize
ZEN: There. Does that help?
[Username]: This is NOT the time for jokes, Hyun

Tears fell from your eyes as you started tearing up. You saw him this morning at the cafe. You knew you didn't see things wrong, because you clearly remembered the scene that unfolded before you.

You were at the cafe getting a drink when you heard a familiar voice. Turning around, you spotted Hyun. However, before you could call his name, he started laughing. You looked over to his left and saw a girl with Platinum blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes laughing along with him.

'Oh, it must be one of his coworkers,' you thought. However, right after that thought, his arms snaked around her waist and she was brought into an embrace. 'It's just a hug...'

But soon, they parted. They looked each other in the eye before the distance between their lips slowly disappeared. You gasped, dropping your drink while your hands flew up to your mouth in a futile attempt to stop any noise that would leave your mouth.

The two parted and looked over at you. At that moment, Zen's eyes grew wide as he separated himself from the blonde.

"[Y/N]! I can explain! Please! Wait!" However, his pleas never reached you. You had already ran out of the store.

What a shame. You were planning on making chocolate for him....

ZEN: I'm sorry. Is that any better?
[Username]: That's NOT how you fix something this serious.
ZEN: How then? I don't know how to fix something like this!
[Username]: This is the problem.
[Username]: You constantly make mistakes
[Username]: Yet, you never fix them
[Username]: Think, Zen. THINK!
ZEN: I'm sorry I make mistakes!
ZEN: I am sorry I don't know HOW TO FIX THEM!
[Username]: Learn how to then! This is LIFE
ZEN: If I could, I would go back and fix whatever I did! But how the hell am I supposed to fix a mistake I don't know I made!?
[Username]: Think! Do you not have a mind? DO YOU NOT HAVE A BRAIN?
[Username]: Don't kid around with me right now, Hyun
[Username]: You know what you did
ZEN: I'm telling you
ZEN: Don't
ZEN: Know
ZEN: I already said sorry!
[Username]: Do you really think that a simple "sorry" will fix it? Life doesn't accept sorry's!
[Username]: One day, maybe you'll murder someone!
[Username]: Do you think a simple "sorry" will get you out of jail?
ZEN: First, why would I murder someone?
ZEN: Plus, like I said before, i don't know what I did! What's the problem?
ZEN: I can't fix something I don't know about!

You paused for a second and grabbed a tissue. You wiped away your tears. However, they just kept coming back. Your phone buzzed again.

ZEN: What the hell? I'm coming over

Right after you read the text, the doorbell rang. Hyun wouldn't be here so quickly, would he?

Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear.

There stood your boyfriend with an angry look on his face. You tried to close the door on him but that didn't work.

"Hey! You can't just waltz into my house!"

"What did I do wrong?" Zen asked with a stern look. The tears in your eyes welled up again.

"You know very well what you did..." you muttered, your voice cracking a little.

"Like I said, I can't fix something I don't know about!" He yelled. You flinched. This was the first time he's ever yelled at you.

"You know exactly what you did, Ryu Hyun! Don't play dumb with me!"

"I'm not! What the hell are you talking about, [Y/N]!?" You stopped yelling for a second and glared at him, tears streaming down your cheeks.

"I hate you..." You muttered. "I hate you SO much right now."

"[Y/N]!" You no longer cared.

"You're the worst!" You screamed. "I don't need you! I have other friends! I don't want to hear from you EVER AGAIN!"

"[Y/N], I-" He tried to embrace you and calm things down, but you slapped his hand away.

"Go away!" You screamed. You looked him in the eye. You could see how much pain he was in, but it didn't matter right now. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO EXIST!?"

Quickly, threw your phone to the side and opened the door, running out into the cold night. Tears blurred your vision as you ran down the sidewalk. You could hear Hyun screaming at you, trying his best to catch you before it was too late.

In your haste, you failed to look both ways. As soon as you heard the car's horn, you turned around, eyes growing wide. However...

It was too late.


"I know these words won't make this situation better," Zen said. "And I think I know what made you mad at me. But, the only thing I can say is, 'I'm sorry.'"

He wiped away the tears in his eyes.

"I know it won't make it any better. But I'm sorry. I'm sorry [Y/N], I really am! I'm an idiot..."

Zen walked up closer and placed the flowers on top of the grave. Rain began pouring down on the man as he stood up, ready to leave.

"I think what makes it even sadder, is the fact that everything ended on our 5 year anniversary." He smiled sadly.

"I forgot to say this to you that day, but..." He looked at your name that was engraved on the tombstone.

"Happy Valentine's Day. May happiness, love, and prosperity stay with us for years to come. Happy 5 Year Anniversary... love."


This is actually a story based of of a fight I had with a friend. Don't worry, we made up *^*)/

I hope you've enjoyed! Please stay tuned for the next chapter~

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