12 - Danger

532 24 0

Everything will be fine...eventually. Everything will be over soon. The good times will come back.

But will it really?


"Busy because of the party?" Someone asked. "You want to scream? Shh~. I'll have to force you to shut up, so you better be quiet. I won't hurt you. All I have to do is bring you alive. I need you alive, so don't fight back. I don't want to get rough."

The man had silver hair with pink ends as well as a masked face.

"If you get hurt...[Y/N]...someone will be very sad, no? Where are we going, you ask? To paradise..."

Black engulfed the world as his voice spoke out.

"Wear this blindfold. I told you, don't fight back. Now that you have this on...let's go to paradise...[Y/N]..."

Suddenly, Zen awoke.

"God...!" He muttered. "What...was that? A dream?"



Yeah, you've gotten used to it but who wouldn't be grumpy getting up at 2 AM?

707: [Username]!
707: I'm so glad
707: you're here in the middle of night.

"I'm not..." you muttered to yourself as you texted back.

[Username]: Is there something wrong?
707: Yes...
707: I'm sorry, but something is majorly wrong
707: I apologize in advance for having to tell you something is unpleasant
[Username]: Is it about Zen?
707: No...

Thank god!

707: It's more about you
707: I don't know where to start;;;
707: I usually discuss things like this with V...
707: So I'm a bit flustered that I can't reach him right now T_T
707: To explain...there is a special security system in the apartment.

Yeah, clearly, considering you have to enter a code in the keypad for the apartment...

[Username]: Why would I need that?
707: I installed it when Rika used to live there
707: Two years ago, at the second RFA Party, we had a lot of famous businessman and politicians attend
707: She stored private information about those guests in that apartment
707: And because it involved famous people, there were groups who tried to go after those documents...
707: We didn't tell the members this

That explains it...

[Username]: Were hackers after the information?
707: No...
707: Rika felt as if people were stalking her so we decided to strengthen the security
707: She...uh...
707: Asked me to install a security system that can blow up all the stored documents

Your mind took a while to process it, but slowly and surely, you came to realize blowing things up means bombs and explosives. It doesn't take a genius to realize that...

Honestly, if you could, you would slap the life out of Seven right now.

707: I was opposed to it of course!

He quickly responded.

707: But...she was persistent...

"Panicking" was not the right word to describe you right now. Paranoid? Angry? Confused? Terrified? Uncertain? ALL OF THE ABOVE!?!?

707: I'm so sorry...

"You'll be damn sorry when I beat the crap out of you... " you muttered. Of course, you didn't text him that. He was stressed enough...

707: It was supposed to be a secret...
707: I really believed in my system...
707: I was against it, I swear!
707: She kept saying it had to be strong...but now, the algorithm...
707: ...it's been hacked...
[Username]: So the bomb might go off??
707: The security system might not work actually...
707: But if ay of the RFA members enter...

Seven sent a picture of a bright orange explosion. This was NOT helping your situation.
And let's talk about the fact it's god damn 2 AM!?

[Username]: Who in the world would do this...?
707: I don't know...
707: I will make sure to find out
707: The person must be a very good hacker since it's nearly impossible to hack this...
707: I'm most suspicious of the person who led you here
707: But right now, what's important is your safety and to restore the system

He paused for a second before sending another text.

707: I'm sorry for involving you in this...
[Username]: I'm nervous here by myself. Can't Zen come?
707: I'd love to send someone over but
707: I can't reveal the apartment address
707: Once I get in touch with V, I'll talk to him

You anger boiled within you. Call V? At this hour? He's been missing for days! THERE'S A GOD DAMN BOMB IN THIS APARTMENT. And he expects you to wait until someone has contacted V?

707: Please...[Username]...promise me this...
[Username]: Alright
707: If you sense anything suspicious, please tell us
707: Also, you shouldn't leave the building
707: I don't know what's going on, so give me some time please
707: I'll do my best, trust me!

You chuckled. This guy...sometimes...ugh...

[Username]: There's no other choice. I'll have to trust you
707: Thank you! If I work without rest, it'll be restored in one day!
707: If something happens, it's faster to call. Ok?
[Username]: Alright...
707: I'll get to work.
707: Be safe...!
<707 has left the chatroom>

You sighed. Now what? There's a god damn bomb and no one can come help you. Plus, it takes a damn say to get it fixed?

To add to the stress, there's the scandal with Zen. You honestly wondered if he's alright...

No use in worrying about it now. Might as well sleep...


Very late

Very sorry

Don't kill me

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