4 - Day 4

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With the push of a button, it disappeared within the futuristic, metal contraption. I waited for about 30 seconds before pushing the eject button. After all, I liked lightly toasted bread. Heading to the refrigerator, I opened it and took out the butter and a raw egg.


I cracked the egg into the pain, and it was now sizzling as it cooked. Flip! Soon, the egg began solidifying. I smiled. What a delightful breakfast I'm going to have!

(Forgive me for being an uncultured Chinese-American. Wtf do Americans eat for breakfast!?)

//whenever I think of American breakfast, all I can think of are waffles

I took out some bacon and began to cook it. Once it was finished, I laid all of it out onto the table.


The egg was sunny side up, and therefore, I savagely burst the yolk open with the toast. Satisfied, I dipped the toast into the yolk and spread some butter. Ah, what a morning! I giggled.

"I haven't had an amazing breakfast like this for a year!" Right after finishing my meal, there was a notification. Who could it be? I checked my phone. Oh, it's Jaehee & Jumin!

I greeted them, and asked Jumin how the meeting with the Oil Prince went. It went well thankfully, and ended up inviting them to the party. I smiled. Our party will be amazing! I can't wait!

The date still hasn't been set, but I have a feeling it's soon. Waiting six months is way too long...

Right after we all left the chat, Zen called.

"Good morning hon~! Gahh~! I haven't slept this well in a while. I feel really good," he said. Zen complained about how if he didn't sleep well, his back would hurt. He asked if I slept well.

"Yeah, I didn't even dream," I replied.

"That's good. I'm a bit sad to hear you didn't dream. I was waiting for you...looking like prince charming." I blushed. "I have to leave early for work. I hope only good things happen today! To you and to me, haha."

I smiled.

"Then I'll call you later," he said. "Bye bye." I cleaned up the plates and cups before looking around the apartment. It was quite dusty, something I learned over the past three days. Thankfully, I bought brand new cleaning supplies. Levi Ackerman would be proud...

"Ok!" I took out the Windex and began spraying the windows. I took out my trusty towel and began wiping the windows. I hummed while doing so to make it more entertaining. After they were styled to perfection, I began on the tables. I cleared them out, cleaned every piece, cleaned the table, and set it back on.

"The door." I polished the door, oiled the hinges, etc. After that was satisfactory, I sat down for  a break. It was about 3:00 and my stomach growled. However, suddenly, there was a new chat.

"Zenny!" I screamed. I hope no one could hear me...

[Username]: Hey! It's handsome Zen
ZEN: Haha...you have a good eye, [Name]

//I realized, going through this, I put my own name 😂
Whoops :')

ZEN: You know what. I was just looking into the mirror. My reflection is so beautiful I can't turn my eyes away!

I laughed. Oh, classic Zen! The model agency asked if he could model for them. That was a problem. Everyone's eyes will freeze!

ZEN: That's what I mean...I see that our beauty standards are the same.

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