Hero...In Progress

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Britney tapped her pencil on her desk repeatedly. Peter stared at his lab partner who is usually attentive in science, but today Britney seemed to be day dreaming. He whispered in between lectures, "Hey, Brit. What's the matter?"
Britney gave him a blank stare then whispered, "I'll tell you at lunch." Peter looked at her for a bit, then returned to the lecture Mrs. Lopez was giving on DNA.
Peter took a bite of the pepperoni pizza that he brought for lunch. Peter spoke after he swallowed, "Hey, Brit. Did you watch the game last night? I would've come over to watch it with you, but Aunt May needed me to fix the water heater again. By the time I was done, I was sure you were asleep." Britney shrugged, ignoring his question and said, "If there was someone to take your place, would you take a break?" Peter furrowed his brow and answered, "I...I guess so. But I really don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon." Britney nodded, processing the information she was given and ate the rest of her lunch in silence.
Peter waited for Britney after school, at the bottom of the stairs. Britney busted through the school's main entrance and walked past the parking lot and Peter and towards the sidewalk. Peter ran to Britney and screamed, "Hey! You were supposed to give me a ride today, remember?"
Britney stopped in her tracks, turned to face him and replied, "Sorry, Parker, but I have things to do. Got tons of errands to run! I have my own place to maintain, remember? I'll see you later!" And with that Britney was out of Peter's sight and not to be seen again for some time.
The next day, Britney wasn't at school. Peter made the immediate trip to her apartment to find no sign of her. After the third day, he really started to worry.
Later that week, Peter decided to report Britney missing. First thing Saturday morning, Peter ran to the Police Department when he was paged to the MISSING PERSONS head detective. Peter urgently explained the situation, but when Detective Hernandez pulled out the file labeled "WALLIS, BRITNEY" the detective determined this case not worth investigating. "Sorry, kid. This girl is a delinquent. With several cases of petty theft and a suicide attempt, she most likely ran away. All I can tell you is that she'll probably come back when she's ready."
Peter's face was hotter than fire and his knuckles were white from his tight grip on his book-bag straps. "What do you mean?! If any thing, she is just as important as you, should you go missing!" Peter stormed out of the Police Department, slamming the door and banging on the brick wall outside. With veins of frustration, and his face showing red, he became overly stressed and his eyes began to water. However, his first tear was interrupted by a cop offering help.
"Hey. Parker is it? I know Britney. She's a troubled girl, but she needs someone to care for her. Because of this, even though I'm breaking many rules, I've decided to help in any way that I can."
"Officer Garcia?" Peter looked up surprised.
"Meet me at the café down the street tomorrow at 3 o'clock sharp," Garcia ordered.

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