Finding Britney Pt.2

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Peter barges into the house. With this new information he has a lead. Aunt May greets him at the door. "Peter! I'm so glad you're here! Have you finished your project?"
Peter pays Aunt May little attention and continues up the stairs. "I'm working on it aunt may! Gotta go. Lots to do."
Aunt May is relentless, "Peter, I brought some movies and take out for us tonight. Can't your work wait until the weekend tomorrow?" She asked. "No, aunt may. Can't you just leave me alone?"
"Peter Parker, get your behind down here!" Peter stopped and turned to aunt May, half way up the steps. "Now you listen to me young man! I've been more than lenient with you and I demand some respect. It hasn't been easy raising you alone since...since Uncle Ben, and I'd really appreciate it if you showed me some sign that you still cared instead of running off like you always do. This is going to take time to improve, but right now, all I want is one night!" Aunt May was on the verge of tears. This caused Peter to make a difficult decision, but he knew what he had to do. Britney could wait. After all, she left him. Aunt May on the other hand was desperate for help and had nowhere else to turn because her only problem was also her only solution. Peter could deny his love for Britney, at least for the moment, but he couldn't do it to Aunt May.
Peter dropped his bags and hugged aunt May. "I do care. I care very much. More than you can imagine. Just don't give up on me." Peter pleaded.
"I could never," Aunt May embraced him. After a couple of minutes, Aunt May released him and wiped her subtle tears. She smiled, "I got that action movie that you've been wanting to watch, Fast and Furried?" Aunt May suggested, not sure of the title. Peter chuckled, "Yes Thank you." Peter sat on the couch in front of the TV while Aunt May heated up the food.
During a marathon of Fast and Furious, Peter was able to block out the engine screams and bomb explosions to fall asleep. It had been so long since he had actually got some shut eye, that he was unwakeable for the next few hours. However, when he did wake up, he awoke to the sounds of gentle laughter from a few feet away. Groggily, Peter rubbed the drool off his face and walked toward the voices. In almost the same instance in which he turns the corner, his eyes focus, his lungs stop, and his heart skips a beat. In a soft and hesitant tone, Peter whispers, "Britney?"
"Hey, Pete. I missed you."
Peter's eyes narrowed, "What is she doing here?" He asks Aunt May. "I asked her over," Aunt May tried to cover her disappointment of Peters rudeness with laughter. "Now, Peter. Remember the conversation we had earlier. About us drifting apart?" Peter looked between the two and nodded slowly. Aunt May continued, "Well, I figured that Britney was involved in such a big part of your life that we would try to intertwine that part with mine so that we're all happy." Peter was confused. Between the processing of the part where aunt May didn't think he cared, and being knocked off his feet seeing a practical ghost in his house, the rest of the news couldn't do anything but kick him while he was down. "Aunt May, Do you mind if I speak to Britney alone?" Aunt May nodded and left the room. Peter grabbed Britney's hand and dragged her to his room.
From different ends of the room, they stared at each other, wondering what to say. "I'm sorry," Britney finally muttered. Peter didn't speak. "I'm sorry for leaving you and not leaving you any back up while I was gone."
Peter crossed his arms, "You think that this is what this is about? About no back up?... Britney, you played with my heart. You let me care about you. I didn't care about having a substitute sidekick." With every sentence, Peter inched closer to Britney.
"Pete, take a breath. You're starting to scare me," Britney muttered.
"I cared about whether or not you were safe. If I needed to help you. Britney, I had feelings for you," Peter admitted, angrily, grabbing a mug from the desk, now nose to nose with Britney. "I'm sorry. I-I...I didn't reali-" Britney ducked under the flying mug, even though it wouldn't have hit hit her if it tried. Peter just had built up aggression. "What do you mean you didn't realize, Britt?! I was there for you all the time. Geez, I've kissed you. I've spent countless nights with you, on and off work. And you're telling me that you didn't realize?!" Peter tried to yell some more, but he got choked up and light headed, taking a seat on the bed.
Britney watched him for a few minutes. Peter sat there, with his red face in his hands. With the millions of emotions going through him, it was hard for Peter to channel just one at a time. Britney inched closer, gently placing one hand on Peters shoulder and the other under his chin, bringing his face from his hands. "Brit-hit..." Peter tried to speak in between crying breaths. Britney shook her head, "Pete. Don't speak," and she kissed him.

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