What's Happening?

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"I will never bow down to you!" Christina rose up from the ground and stared the crazed man in the eye. "Who are you to stand above everyone else?" she spat angrily.
"I am Loki. I am a god. And that is why you have to bow down." Loki was starting to get very aggravated with this female human. But he needed her, so he held on to his patience.
"Why only have me? Why not terrorize all of New York City instead of just my apartment?" she screamed.
"We need a pretty face. A queen," he caressed her cheek. All of the best rulers had a woman by their side, and he did not want to seem inadequate because he did not have one. He needed to make the right first impression.
Christina was confused, "Why would you want me with any power? I would just try to destroy you," she glared.
Loki chuckled "You will not have any power. That would be absurd. You will just speak to the people, establish a sort of...connection they won't have with me. It will make it easier to control them when you are controlling the one they trust," he informed.
"You are a disgusting person," she spat, hitting him in the chest. 
Loki laughed, took Chris's hand and kissed it gently, looking up at her, he said,"My queen, I'm a God. Not a person. "
Loki reached out to grab the girl but she struggled. There was a fight between the two of them before he eventually conquered her and dragged her out to the roof.
Wiping the wet, red liquid from his forehead, Peter looked up at his surroundings. He tried to recollect what happened. He was wedged in a corner and there was a high frequency buzzing noise ringing in his ear. Slowly it all started coming back.
The hole in his wall.
The apartment complex.
The girl.
The man.
The air craft.
Peter gripped the sides of the dumpster and staggered to his feet. Red and blue lights were flashing. People were running everywhere. He looked for Britney and somewhere between the waves of panicked people he saw her. His joy was short lived when he noticed she was on the floor, bleeding, handcuffed, and being kicked in the stomach.
Enraged, Peter attempted to run forward, but a dizziness took over and he fell to the floor within a couple of feet, more blood pouring out of his wounds. Wincing in pain, Peter looked up from the ground to see yet another full-powered kick being blown to Britney's stomach.
Britney coughed blood, cursing up at the beasts that stood above her with weapons. "Where is Peter Parker?" They would ask. "I. Don't. Know," she would say, and there was a kick.
"We know you were the last person with him! There's no use lying!" Then they would kick her again. "You're going to have to do better than that to break me," she spat with her left over energy.
When one man pulled out a rather large weapon and aimed at Britney, Peter spoke, "Stop!" He cried barely loud enough to hear over the rest of the panic.
The weapon was holstered as one guard kicked Britney in the head, leaving her unconscious, and the other smirked, walking toward Peter. The guard laughed a deep raspy laugh and whispered to Peter, "We've been looking for you..."
Slinging both bodies over their shoulders, the beasts carried Britney and Peter up to the reappearing aircraft. Bouncing his head off the creatures's shoulder, Peter squinted his eyes to look at an unconscious Britney. "Brit..." he mumbled.
When Peter opened his eyes again, he could see nothing, but he knew he was sitting in a chair. The room was pitch black. His wounds were stitched but dry blood still lingered on is forehead. His lips were chapped and when he tried to reach his hand up to touch them, he felt the restraints on his wrist. Struggling to get out, Peter twisted and turned his hands. A couple of times, Peter lost control and accidentally let a web escape. He heard a grunt. There was someone else in the room.
"Who's there?" he called, his eyes searching the darkness.
"Relax. It's me, Peter," he recognized Britney's voice.
"Britney! Don't worry. I'm going to get us out of here," he struggled more in his seat.
"Quiet!" Britney screamed in a whisper.
Peter stopped, "What?" he asked.
"You keep making so much noise, they will hear you," she warned.
"What? Who's they?" Peter asked, "Where are you? I can't see you."
A loud clicking noise began. "Now you've done it," Britney whispered.
Peter couldn't see Britney, but he could tell she was rolling her eyes. Slowly, the lights began to turn on. "Wh-what's happening?" Peter asked.
Finally, he could see. First, he looked down. He was tied to a wooden seat , his left hand tied extremely tight, but the right one must have been loosened from his struggles. Immediately after, he glanced at Britney, who was similarly tied , sitting directly across from him, her back to a door, and with her head down, hair over her face. He looked to his right, and instead of a wall, there was a large mirror presenting them both of them with filfthy images of themsleves, residue of the explosion. But Peter's cuts were dry, Britney's were fresh. " Are you ok? Where are we?" he asked.
Britney lifted her head and her now dirty blonde hair covered her face. "I don't know. But when they come, do not say anything," she responded.
"I don't understand. Wh-" Peter was interrupted by a large banging sound from the other side of the mirror. They both sat quietly for what seemed like an eternity.
"This is weird," Britney spoke, "They are usually here by now." Suddenly, Peter's head ached, but this time it was different. It was a spider-sense. "They are.." he spoke.
The door creaked open slowly and Britney waited silently for whatever it was to come from behind her and show it's face. Peter listened to the click of it's steps as he examined it long brown, hooded cloak. It held a hollowed wooden bowl with water.
First, before turning to face Britney, it squeezed the soaked rag above Peter's lips, and he gladly accepted the water. It pivoted toward Britney, but when it offered the same kindness, she refused, spitting, "Who are you?"
There was a moment of hesitation, but eventually, the cloak was dropped and it revealed a silk-dressed teenage girl, who wore a crown.

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