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Chapter I. The Girl in the Ice

Third Person POV

Team Voltron was on a Planet full of ice & snow, Lance was on the frozen lake while skating around on one foot. Keitch got a handful of snow before throwing it at him, causing him to face plant on the ice


"Now that was funny!" Pidge & Hunk laugh while Shiro shook his head & chuckled

"No fair!"

"What? Is the baby gonna cry?" he growled & glared at Keith, he was gonna get up but when he looked at the ice, he saw someone

"H-Hey guys! Come over here quickly!"


"Someone's stuck in the ice!"

"What?!" Shiro & Keith skated over & saw the figure in the ice, it was a girl

"Nice spotting Lance!"

"Thank you, but how are we gonna..." he trailed off when Keitch got his got his bayard out & formed his sword, then he started to cut her out of the ice

Shiro POV

We carry the block of ice the girl was in & set her in one of the memory tubes, after we melted the ice of course. I gently set her in & closed the tube, some of her memories went in & we all waited

"I wonder what her name is."

"Who cares about her name? I wonder where she got this sword from." Keith said as he admired her sword

"We care about her name, we still need to know it." a couple hours later & the tube for the memories seemed to be full but she was sweating & muttering something

"What's she saying?" Allura said

"Z-Zarkon... you," she suddenly opens her eyes & punches through the glass & grabs a hold of my neck "You damn bastard!"

"Shiro!" Hunk & Lance turn their bayards into their guns & point it at her "Put him down!" she only tightened her grip

"Its all your fault!" she threw me on the ground & I grab my neck & rub it, she broke through the glass & walked through. She fell on her knees & started to cough, she fell on her right shoulder & coughed up blood

"What is she talking about?!" she struggles to get up but she did, she grabbed her sword off Keith & pointed it at me

"Your the reason my planet is dead!" I raise my hands defensively

"I'm sorry but I'm not the man your looking for!" her eyes widened, before she glared at me again

"Don't lie to me!" the tip of the blade was at my throat now

"I swear I'm not! My name is Shiro not, Zarkon!" her glare softened & she lowered her sword from my neck & fell to her knees, using her sword to keep balance

"What... what happened?"

"We were hoping you could tell us."

"I'm afraid I don't remember..." Allura then clapped her hands & tapped the tube full of her memories

"Don't worry, maybe if we watch your memories, we could find our answers!" she then nods, I stand up & help her up, she loses her balance quickly & falls into my arms, she looks up & we both turn away & blush

"By the way, I'm Keith."

"I'm Lance, but you can call me the man of your dreams."

"More like the monster of my nightmares."

"Turn down!"

"Hi, my name is Pidge."


"The name's Coran!"

"& I am Princess Allura of Altea." her eyes seemed to have widened "Whats is the matter?" she lightly chuckled

"I can't believe you don't recognize me, it has been 10,000 years, I think. Its me, Princess [Y/N] of Gaulra."

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