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Chapter IV. Awkward Situation 

Third Person POV

Its been a couple weeks since Shiro & [Y/N] had spared against each other & it kinda... didn't end well. It was fine since [Y/N] was winning, she had swept him off his feet & pinned him to the ground, only for him to kick her off him. She did a backwards cartwheel as he did a kick up & smirked at her, she did the same

They charge at each other but a sudden noise caused them to lose their footing so, [Y/N] accidentally slammed into Shiro's chest causing him to fall flat on his back & onto the ground. Both of them groan & when she looked at the position they were in, she couldn't help but blush. Her hands were spread out across his chest, her legs were dangled with his & their faces were nearly touching

Shiro & finally opened his eyes & looked at the position they were in, he couldn't help but blush too, his hands were gripping her legs & his eyes were staring right into her bright [E/C] eyes, she sat up & was now straddling his waist

"I-I'm sorry! I'll get o-off you!" she quickly did & Shiro got up after her, they both were blushing madly "We never speak of this?"

"Not a word." & they went their separate ways. Everyone had noticed them acting weird & Lance thought it was the fact they were in love with each other, not really, they were just to embarrassed to even be around each other for a couple seconds. Lance had a plan for them to actually, how do I put this, less embarrassed of each other

"Hey [Y/N], Shiro! Come here!" they walk in to where Lance was & when they saw each other, they avoided each other's gaze

"What do ya need Lance?"

"Hold out your hands please." they both raise an eyebrow "Well come on."


"Come on~ Please!" he gave them puppy eyes which [Y/N] thought was cute so, she lifted up her left hand, Shiro looked at her before sighing & lifting up his right. He smiled in excitement before clamping two metal bands around their wrists & hearing it click. They both look at their wrists & saw them glowing a bright blue

"Lance, what is this?"

"Coran, wanted me to test these on you two." they look at each other before looking at him

"Why us? Forget that, can you please get these off."

"No can do, not until you two bond again. Also I don't know how to take them off, Coran or Allura do so, later!" before they could protest, he ran away, they both sigh & look at each other

"So, what now?" [Y/N] shrugs

"Chill?" Shiro shrugs this time, they both sat on the couch & a book had just appeared in [Y/N]'s hands & she started to read while laying his Shiro's lap. It wasn't so hard reading with one hand but what made her feel uncomfortable was that Shiro was staring at her. She then started to read out loud which made Shiro stop staring at her & close his eyes while leaning backwards 

A smile formed on his lips & then he started to stroke her hair, which made her stop reading for a second before continuing with a tint of blush forming. Allura came walking by & when she saw the scene, she was thrown into a fit of giggles

"Do you hear that?" Allura cover her mouth while [Y/N] stopped reading

"Hear what?" 

"Hmm... nevermind, I must be hearing things. Continue reading please." she laughed a little before reading again, a few minutes later & she closed the book & looked up & Shiro

"About before, I'm really sorry."

"It wasn't your fault anyways, whatever that sound was, that made you lose your footing."

"Me? Both of us lost our footing moron." 

"Yeah yeah." the two of them started talking again while Coran & the other Paladins were around the corner & staring at the two "Do you seem them over there?"

"Yeah." they were both silent for awhile "Should we get our revenge later?" Shiro nodded

"But first, LANCE!!" that caused him to jump "WE'RE COMING FOR YOU!!"

"That's my cue to run!" & he ran away, the two look at each other before laughing

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