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Chapter II. The Princess of Gaulra

Reader POV

"[Y/N]...?" Allura had wide eyes as tears appeared in the corners of her eyes, she smiled & embraced me with a tight hug "I thought you were dead."

"I'm quiet hurt that you didn't recognize me Allura, really I am." she broke the hug & smiled at me, I wipe away her tears & smiled "Now can I please be taken to a healing pod, I am really hurting!"

"Oh yeah, Shiro! Help her there." he nods & by a blink of an eye, he starts to carry me bridal style

"There's no need, I can walk..."

"Nope, your injured so, let me carry you." I was going to protest but he already started walking to where the healing pods were. I huff & let him carry me, I look at him & he had black hair with a white fringe with a scar slashed across his face

"Did that hurt?" I asked as I pointed at it, he looks at it & chuckled

"It did but, I've gotten used to it."

"It makes you look cool." he chuckles again, we finally made it to the healing pods & he gently set me in one. It sent me to sleep & what felt like hours, it opened & I stumbled out & fell to the ground. I got up & saw the little girl with glasses, Pidge "Hello."

"Your finally awake!"

"It seems I am." she helped me stand up straight & when I was, I heard my back click "That feels much better."

"Anyways, Allura wanted me to show you to where the others were cause no one else wanted to stay put. Shiro did but once he heard about watching your memories, he was interested." I sigh

"Alright then, I'll follow you great Pidge." she giggled

"Lets go!" she grabbed something before leaving, I found my sword so I grab it & follow after her. We were in the memory room & I saw my memories, the happy ones made me smile as I start to remember them, then I saw something big & orange fly by

"Is she..."

"Another paladin?"

"My lion!" they whip their heads around & see me "I remember! Being stuck in the ice after Zarkon destroyed my planet, my father wanted me to leave with the orange lion. I did but I lost control & got... stuck in the ice, so is my lion." Allura gives me a look

"Don't... [Y/N]!"

"Its my lion, so..." & I was gone

"[Y/N]! Paladins, go after her, but also help her get the orange lion!" I jump out of the hanger & start running through the snow. I go where I last saw my lion & saw Galra soldiers digging in the ice, then they pull out my lion

"Mother--" I bit my tongue to stop myself from screaming when my lion was taken onto a ship "Oh they're gonna get it now." I got closer & took out one of the soldiers & put on his armor so I looked like them, I boarded the ship & my lion was right in front of me. I went to go get it but, then their was a explosion outside

"[Y/N]! We're here to help get the orange lion back!" all the guards look at me & I start awkwardly laughing

"H-Hey..." I jump into the lion as they form Voltron & out of nowhere, another big giant robot showed up "What the hell is that?" I try to start Orange but he doesn't start, I try everything & then I started to freak "Oh come on! Its me, [Y/N]! Your paladin!" I smack my head on the controls & then it started to light up, which caused me to smirk

Third Person POV

Voltron was struggling against this new monster, it had for arms that was holding swords in each of its hands & the five paladins had a tough time keeping up with it. Suddenly their sword was knocked out of their hands & they were defenceless

"Shiro... what now?!"

"I-I..." he was cut off when the monster jumped in the air & was coming down fast with its swords over its head, the swords were midway from Voltron when someone had come & sliced the its hands off but cutting it it in half "What was that?" it walked away when it exploded, this thing turned around & revealed a giant orange mech suit

" he was cut off when the monster jumped in the air & was coming down fast with its swords over its head, the swords were midway from Voltron when someone had come & sliced the its hands off but cutting it it in half "What was that?" it walked awa...

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"Who is that?!"

"Its [Y/N]!" Allura had yelled with a giant smile on her face. Oh how she missed seeing the orange lion form into its own version of Voltron, the orange lion was suppose to be a protector of the Gaulra kingdom & when it was created, only [Y/N] was able to control it

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