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Chapter XII. Your No Monster

Shiro POV

"What exactly did Haggar do to her?" we all shrug, I then shook my head "Whatever, we need to go after her! She must be scared or something...!"

"Shiro's right, but we're going to have to find a way to calm her down."

"We need to find out where she is first." I look at the sky where [Y/N] was last, & remember that sad look on her face before she flew off. We all jump into our lions while Coran & Allura stayed at the castle to see if she comes back, I highly doubt it

We keep looking & we haven't seen her at all, I land my lion near a waterfall & hop out. I take my helmet off & run a hand through my hair, I look down at the locket & sigh. I look up & see a cave & a dim light, I set my helmet down & slowly started walking towards it. When I walk into the cave I see a... [Y/N]! I slowly walk up to her & when I see her face, I saw she was crying

"[Y/N]..." her eyes snap open & when she saw me, she backed away & gave me a look that said 'get away from me'! "[Y/N] please, just look at me." she did & I hug her snout, she started to cry again & her giant tears landed on my arm

"No matter what [Y/N], you are no monster & you never will be! I love you with all my heart, when you were gone I was so... broken!" I started crying "Don't ever think your a monster [Y/N], cause in our eyes, your still our wonderful Princess." she then suddenly started to shrink & soon enough she was in my arms again

"... You really don't think I'm a monster?"

"Of course not, I love you [Y/N]." she hugged me & buried her face in my crook of my neck, I then see the locket & remember "You must want your locket back." I was about to take it off but she stopped me

"No, you keep it. My mother said I could give it to the person I loved dearest." I pick her up bridal style & smile

"Your my dearest too." she smiled & fell asleep

Reader POV

I was startled awake when I notice that Shiro or the paladins weren't here, I start standing up & walk behind Allura & Coran

"*yawn* Whats happening?" they turn around & look at me shocked "What?" & I was brought into a tight hug

"We're glad your safe, but the paladins aren't exactly."

"They're fighting a new monster!" I look & see a familiar looking fella, it was Flame Thrower "Are you alright?" I glare at him

"I know this fucker, he's the reason why I have a scar on my left eye." the two sweat drop "I know how to defeat him, give me my gloves Allura." she did & I put them on, my lion activated & turned into 2.0. He jumped into the battle field & started running towards the monster, the others formed Voltron & they were blocking the fire that was being


"Your up!"

"Hush! I know how to defeat this bastard!"

"How?" I grab its wrist that was using its fire power, & point it in his face, his other arm tried to get 2.0 off but failed when Voltron came & grabbed his arm

"Almost... there." soon enough his head exploded, 2.0 let the monster go & sigh as I fall to the ground & start sitting down, then 2.0 accidentally did it "Whops, lets get you back in the hangar." when everyone was inside, they give me a group hug

"How did you know how to defeat that thing?"

"Cause that monster, was the same one that gave me this scar." I explained as I pointed to it "& it hurt like hell."

"Um [Y/N]... I'm just asking, how were you able to turn into a dragon?" I sigh & grip my left arm

"Once I helped Matt & Sam escape, they took me to Haggar & she... cut my left arm off & she did something to it as well. Whenever I get scared or a-angry I turn into that... thing! But when I'm upset I, become half & half. Both Gaulran & Dragon." soon enough Lance pats my back

"Its not so bad, you can use it if you can control."

"Lance's right, if you don't let your emotions get to you." I nod

"Your right, the cool this is... I breath fire now." & I blow fire out of my mouth 

"That is awesome!"

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