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Chapter XXVIII. The Book of History & Karsen

Third Person POV

The Paladin's landed on the mystery planet that had the Gaulra book & they all went in Pidge & Keith's lion & Allura came along while Coran stayed & maned the castleship. He gave them coordinates on where the book was & they followed it. Keith landed his lion & him, Shiro & Lance came out while Pidge's circled around the place where the book was being kept while her lion was in camouflage

"So whats the plan Shiro?"

"Pidge is gonna give us the detail on how many Galra ships & soldiers there are & when she does, we take them out one by one. Lance, you, Keith & I will take down the galra druids that are in the way while Allura will get the book & quickly get out."

"Alright." they nod together just as Pidge's lion arrived, & they dashed out of the lion as quick as possible "Are you guys okay?"

"What did you find?"

"Are there more then we expected?!"


"Then what is it?!"

"If you let me finish, then I can tell you! *sigh* Someone else is here & we think their after the book as well!"

"That's impossible! Where are they?!" Pidge went back into her lion & everyone followed after, she was able to find the intruder again & everyone gasped. She was typing something on her left arm while a hologram floated above it, she looked up & they all looked at her bright [E/C] eyes & at her white & [H/C] hair & she was also wearing a camouflage outfit

"You see! But I love that thing she has on her arm!" Keith squinted his eyes & moved Pidge off her seat & sat in it "Hey! What are you doing Keith?" he voomed in her face & noticed her hair then saw the tattoo across her chest

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"You see! But I love that thing she has on her arm!" Keith squinted his eyes & moved Pidge off her seat & sat in it "Hey! What are you doing Keith?" he voomed in her face & noticed her hair then saw the tattoo across her chest

"What are you looking at Keith?!"

"Are you staring at her breasts?!"

"W-What?! No, she looks familiar!" he then got it once her looked at her hair "Its Karsen!"


"That's Karsen, the one you guys have been dying to meet! I recognize her hair anywhere!" they all look at her again but Shiro looks at her closely. He saw that she had a large scar on her left eye & her left eye was pale, someone red & green popped up on her screen & she stared at it confused before she looked their way

Everyone in the green lion froze & stopped breathing for a second, watching her. She squinted her eyes before rolling them, with a sigh, & turning back to the screen. With her, she finally stands up, cracks her back, neck & knuckles before smirking & opening her right palm

"Okay, lets do this." she starting taking deep breaths & when she did, her throat started to heat up then she lightly blew into her & fire appeared. She started tossing it from hand to hand until she started making it bigger, but then made it smaller & smirked "It may be little but it can do a lot of... damage!" when she said damage she threw it, like a baseball player, & it landed on a galra ship & it exploded

"Score one for me!" she jumped up & started flapping her wings, she was soaring through the sky & when the druids noticed her they started shooting at her. She stopped flying & landed on the ground with a crash, she smirked again as she pulled her sword out. As she starts fighting them, the paladin's & Allura stared at her in awe at how good she was at fighting

"You never told us that Karsen could breath fire."

"Or fly."

"Or fight."

"I didn't know! The flying part, kinda, but not this!"

"Well she's not getting the book before we do."

"Paladin's! You know what to do!" they nod, Hunk & Pidge stayed in the lion while the other four ran out. They jumped into a bush when they saw her again, she wrapped her legs around the neck of a druid & punched a hole in its head. She jumped off it & did a few back flips before kicking the helmet off of a solider & pointing the blade at his throat

"What do you think you are doing here?"

"W-We are receiving the Book of History for L-Lord Zarkon..." an irk mark appeared in the corner of her head as she hit him in his neck with the end of her sword (not the sharp end)

"No your not." & she walks into the forbidden temple that looked more then 1,000 years old

"Now we follow her."

"But there's no way she would get pass the trap."

"What trap?"

"This trap is about dancing. You have to make your way down a hallway which is booby trapped with a lot of things whenever you step on a wrong tile, & only a Gaulran & I know how to get passed it."

"How do you know how to get passed it?"

"[Y/N] taught me." the four followed her down secretly & then they noticed the empty hallway

"This doesn't look to hard."

"It hasn't even started yet, so be quiet Lance." he did & they all look in her direction, she took a deep breath before standing on the first tile, which made a little noise when so & it started glowing a bright orange (say you dance elegantly like Pearl). Allura watched closely at how elegantly she danced, her right arm up & her left across her chest "That... stance, looks so familiar..."

She did a jump twirl & landed on one foot & started spinning around before jumping onto another tile, she did a front flip & landed on a handstand position before jumping up & landing on one foot again. She started twirling around & with her eyes closed this time, she danced onto the next tile but the next one she stood on the wrong tile & the melody went low & it turned red 

"Dammit." she spun around on one foot while ducking (like what Pearl did in Steven Universe S1 EP 4) while darts were fired at her. She dodged each one with ease & started doing back flips towards the end, she did a final back flip & landed on the ground with the same pose as the started, her right arm up & her left arm across her chest, with her eyes closed

"That's impossible...! How does she know how to do it?!" she then opened her eyes & smiled

"Jeez! I'm the man at this!" she threw her hand towards a switch & when she pulled it, it opened "I should get a award." & she jumped down into the dark staircase full of spiders & cobwebs, the paladins were going to follow but Allura was stuck in a daze


"Are you okay?"

"How was she able to do it? It took me months to learn it!"

"Its alright Allura, the main thing here is to get the book."

"Not to learn dance lessons!"



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