The Van Allen's vs Jus in Bello

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Jason had finally gotten a lead on Bela Talbot and the Colt she had stolen. The first thing he did was alert Alayna, Karoline, and the boys, sending them in the direction of the Hotel she was staying at. Sam entered the motel room first, gun drawn and sweeping the area. The girls followed closely, and Dean came in last as he shut the door behind them. Dean went straight to the drawers of a nearby dresser, pulling them out and finding a few articles of clothing, but nothing of consequence. Sam was at the wall safe while Alayna checked the small, make-shift kitchen, and Karoline was checking the nightstands by the bed. "Any sign of it?" Dean asked, Sam turned around and shook his head and Alayna came in from the kitchen with the same amount of nothing the others had.

"Are we sure this is Bela's room?" Karoline asked, straightening up with her hands on her hips.

"Jason seemed pretty sure." Alayna responded, her eyes scanning the room for anything that stuck out, any clues.

"I can vouch for that." They all looked over at Dean who had pulled out two wigs from the bottom drawer of the dresser. He smirked, tossing the wigs onto the bed with a sigh. The phone, also on the bed, started to ring and they all narrowed their eyes at it before sharing a curious look. Slowly, Alayna walked over to it, Sam shook his head while Dean and Karoline shrugged. Picking up the receiver, Alayna held it to her ear, not saying a word.

"Dean? Sweetie, are you there?" Bela's voice came over the line and Alayna's relaxed slightly.

"Guess again." Both Karoline and the boys were on alert. 

"Alayna!" Her cheery voice chirped. 

"Where are you?" Alayna asked getting down to business, and by the look on her face they could tell who was on the other end of the line.

"Two states away by now." She answered in the usual flippant tone of hers.

"Where?" Alayna repeated, not in the mood for her games. They needed the Colt and they needed it now. 

"Ouch, what happened to sweet, little Layna?" Bela asked tauntingly. "I miss her."

"We need it back Bela, now." Alayna demanded, trying to get how serious this was across. Alayna didn't believe for a moment that Bela would just hand such a prize back, but she had to at least try. 

"Your little pistol, you mean?" Bela asked, innocently. "Sorry, I can't at the moment."

"Do you know how many people could die if you do this?" Alayna asked her, trying to at least guilt her into returning the Colt. The attempt was fruitless.

"What exactly is it that you think I plan to do with it?" Bela asked, curiously.

"Sell it," Alayna replied simply, like that should've been obvious. "Bela, that is the only thing we have to use against an entire army of demons."

"You know nothing about me." Bela snapped back. 

Alayna opened her mouth to respond when Dean snatched the phone from her, his face showing how done he was with this entire situation. "Bela, give us back the gun before I come and get it from you myself. and that's not something you want." 

"Dean," She chirped not at all phased by his threat. "Those are some tough words for a guy who can't even find me." 

Dean merely smirked at her retort, "Oh, I'll find you, sweetheart. You know why? Because I have absolutely nothing better to do than to track you down."

"That's where you're wrong. You're about to be quite occupied." Dean looked up at the others, suddenly weary. What did she mean by that? "Did you really think I wouldn't take precautions?" As she said that police officers busted through the door, pointing guns at the four of them. They all raised their hands above their heads. 

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