Last Day Part 2

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Hi! I can't believe that this book is over 1.3k views! I also looked at the demographics of this book and there are lots of people from other countries, besides Canada and the US. Quick shoutout to my readers in Vietnam 🇻🇳! That is incredibly cool. 
PS This is only going to be like 500 words...
America POV
When we get in the house, Maxon and I go directly up to the master bedroom.  I open my suitcase and begin to neaten up my suitcase.  Maxon goes into the bathroom and grabs his toiletries.  Then the starts packing up his suitcase.
(Time skip to flight ✈️ )
I don't want to go home and face reality.  It's nice here.  We didn't have to face reality this whole time, until now.  At least I will know Marlee's secret. 
I get on the third plane and look behind me as I go.  "See you soon!" Maxon and I yell to the beach house.  I'm really going to miss it.  Time to get going.  I hope we can come back next summer. The flight attendant take our suitcases from us and we walk up the stairs.  I get comfortable in my seat, as Maxon does the same.  While we are taking off, I wave goodbye to the beach house. 
We are in the air.  Maxon unbuckles and goes to sit on the back couch.  I go and cuddle with Maxon.  "What if the rebels attack?" I ask in a minuscule voice. 
Maxon contemplates for a second, "We'll do what we can..."
We doze off, cuddled together, like newlyweds. 
I wake up to Maxon kissing my forehead. "It's about time to land. We are going to make our entrance."
I'm really excited to see the rebels reaction. Maxon and I clean ourselves up, making sure we look somewhat presentable. The plane is getting closer and closer to landing. We begin our countdown. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0!" As we chant '0,' the plane lands. We finally get the countdown right!
I look out the window at the rebels. They're wearing brown and green, grubby clothes, their faces covered in dirt and grime. Every rebel, big or small, is holding a sign. I think it's like a protest. Some of the signs say stuff like, 'get rid of the castes' and 'we want equality.'
I have a feeling this was set up by August and Georgia.  This protest screams August and Georgia, especially August. 
"America. America. America!" I hear Maxon calling.  Oh, I actually need to go and get into my house, right... I grab Maxon's hand and we began to face the crowd together.  I stand in my tip toes, circling around, looking for a clue of August's mud stained boots or Georgia's northern star covered jack.  I do not succeed in finding either of them.  I get swept into the crowd.  Away from Maxon. 
Another shoutout to megaswimmer ! She is a great friend and writer. Her adventure book is called Ours! Go read it.  You know you want to... JK, just go read it.  😂😂😂
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