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They're the ones who control the world, The Seven Deadly Sins, as they are called

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They're the ones who control the world, The Seven Deadly Sins, as they are called.


His hubris nature makes others quiver; he has the self-confidence of a mirror. Everything he does is perfect, and everything you're doing is


He gets three times as much sleep in one day as you would in your lifetime. Saying that, when you mess with him during sleep, your life will certainly be cut short. As short as his already small attention span, which is growing smaller by the


He wants and gains everything - that shirt? He wants it. That talent? He needs it. He is a big vacuum, sucking up everything his greedy eyes can see until he is satisfied - and he will never be


Get him angry, and you might as well have signed your death confirmation. Go hop into your grave already; he is a force of nature, ready to knock you straight into the afterlife. He knows he is feared, and yet, he is still; in fact; very


He is that feeling inside you - why can't you have more?Why do you have the desire to want more? He'll fix that for you - and then you'll get that wanting you most definitely


Just one more slice... he's on his 6th one. Food is his poison and he is intoxicated with it - and soon, with some help from him, you too, will be


He wants everything you have and more. He thinks he's inadequate - and he knows you know think that as well. He'll do anything to strive for better, just to be better than you, no matter how good you are, no matter how high the cost, how large the stakes are, he will achieve it. Even if it means breaking some

However, even deadly weapons have their weaknesses.

The Seven Contrary Virtues.


The ability to be happy for oneself, but do not boast or brag about accomplishments, to simply sit in the shadows and not acknowledge yourself. But aren't you allowed to boast at least once?


The hard worker - who needs rest when you could be getting things done?! Can you sleep at least once?!


You never want something badly, in fact, you want others to have the prized possessions that you worked hard for. It doesn't matter, seeing them have your items doesn't phase you at all. Will it ever phase you?


Patience is key - unless you can't even get a key to work on a door. But don't worry, you have patience! That key will get through, and you'll wait for as long as it takes, you won't ever get mad. Can you stop?


You can resist pleasures, no matter how satisfying. In some ways, you shouldn't even deserve them. But will that not stop you from your pleasure-making desires?!


You can tolerate your sudden cravings - even possibly starving yourself. But that's okay because being fat is worse than being anorexic, right?


The act of being friendly and nice, and helping others with a nice smile on your face. More like a slave. Can you turn them down, and not use your nice nature?

With these seven to balance each other out, everything is okay... right? They all go hand in hand... but the boys are too evil... and the girls are too good...

Can there be a balance?


Like a bump in the night, a whisper in the woods, they crawl on delicate spider webs.

They are searchers, explorers, on an expedition for a rare treasure called you. They have the silence taped to them, and they master their beliefs, before stealing you, your soul, and everything you believe in, and bend it to their liking.

Then they hand you back to the world, secretly tampered with.

Oh, it's not that they want to play with your mind, it's the fact that it's their only option.

Their DNA.

Their only way of living.

And how can you blame someone, if they've never gone off of their beliefs?

Beliefs are to be respected, even if they are in the most sadistic variety.

They're misguided.

And soon, so will you.

We all say we won't be swayed by a pretty face, but really, is that true? Is that really true?

Humans know nothing, and they know everything.

They simply guide you to their ways of living.

After all, it is their only way of living...


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