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"Take that you good-for-nothing birdhouse!



"GET OFF OF MY LAWN YOU HOBOS!" A voice protruded through the air against the blistering sunlight.

A man's voice, and not a happy one. But really, who would be happy to see five speeding girls kicking everything in their lawn, with an even bigger group of boys close behind them? If one didn't know the context of the situation, and if it wasn't daytime, one may think it was a raping, or perhaps a super secret CIA teen mission, if there was such thing as one. No one had a second thought however, the government was so stealthy they could make a nuclear bomb and blow up the capital, and no one would know until the buildings came crashing down. Yet, they'd still find a scapegoat to blame it on.

The girls ran off of the lawn - only to go straight onto the next one, earning more screams and shouts from the owners of the houses, the boys behind them in pursuit.

"Do you know how difficult it is to run in a dress?!" Screamed Diligence right as Generosity tripped over her own dress, skidding across a freshly mowed lawn. Diligence hissed passed her, a surprised look on her face. "VERY!"

Greed saw his chance to grab his virtue - reaching his arms out like a rubber band, he cackled as he zoomed toward her... only to be snapped backward by the powerful kick Generosity delivered to him. Or maybe it was her high heels. "You're not stealing me again, you greedy horse-butt!" Generosity quickly scrambled to her feet, and took off with the rest of the pack, while Greed stood up awkwardly, rubbing the place where Generosity had hit him.

After that scene, all of the girls threw off their demonic shoes almost simultaneously, so it looked like a fun graduation party where everyone would throw their hats into the air because the school was over. Unfortunately, the shoes falling back down was anything but fun for the sins that happened to be right in the path of the spiky feet accessories.

There were lots of groans and moans once the acid rain stopped. By then, the girls had a super good lead on the boys that were still trying to recover from their shoe attacks, but even virtues get tired.

Humility groaned. "I'm getting tired!" A few of the girls turned their backs momentarily to check if the sins had started chasing them again. Lucky for them, they still had some time. Once that was known, the girls stopped running, and began to pant.

"Are we going to have to do this forever?" Kindness asked, but panting like the other girls. "It's too hard to try to shake them off, how are we supposed to get them off our tail?" The girls shook their heads, unsure of how to answer that. "We don't know what those guys are capable of, how long they can run for. Remember, they're not human. Maybe we should have just stayed with them, because now look, we're done for! We're stuck. Stuck like glue. Forced to bond with these people that ruined our lives. Running away may have seemed like a good idea at the first thought, but maybe we just don't have the strength to beat these guys. Maybe we should just give in. They're like gods compared to us weaklings. We were arrogant to ever think we could escape... and that's the thing, we're already being affected by their sinful powers, arrogance, isn't that Pride?! We should just give up!!"

The silence was deafening after Kindness's monologue. The girls remained silent, trying to find a way out of this freely. The only thing that could be heard was the virtues' silent heartbeats beating rather quickly - out of running for a long time and nervousness. The silence was broken by a shaky breath, and Humility stood up to get everyone's attention, being more prideful than usual. "I have an idea," She stated directly and took another shaky breath like she was about to say something awful.

"I think it's best... that some of us should be left behind for the sins to take... so the others can escape. At least two. Being the oldest, I'll volunteer myself to be taken." She took the third breath like an asthmatic person would. She was clearly terrified.

"Anyone else?"

The remaining girls had lost the ability to speak because they couldn't answer Humility. They all simply nodded, agreeing that it was best to go with her plan. It pained them - none of them wanted to walk into the clutches of their greatest enemies especially after what Kindness had said, but someone had to. Who would walk into the face of danger itself willingly? The seven most literal evils in the world, to just walk to them like greeting an old friend? They were never friends, they were enemies, opposites, and they always would be.

The silence rendered on, until the girls realized that the boys were beginning to approach them, and at a quick pace. If they didn't hurry up, all of them would be captured, and that certainly wasn't wanted.

"Well, who's it gonna be?!" Humility released the question again, in case the girls were too stunned to remember the question. Her worried tone made the girls turn and look at the men that were coming at them like bulls. Pride led them, followed closely by Wrath and Gluttony. Lust and Envy were striding at about the same pace, with Sloth not far behind them. Greed brought up the rear, most likely still pained by the kick that Generosity had inflicted on him. One thing was for certain - none of them looked happy. If they weren't running after them for their plans, to an observing eye, they may have looked like assassins, stalking their prey.

"What's wrong girlies? Simply lost the urge to run?!" Sloth taunted, his sandpaper-like voice protruding through the air like a knife, cutting the silence in half, and all of the other sins laughed at his remark. They were edging closer, and Humility looked like she was going to pop if someone didn't volunteer right away.

But suddenly... the impossible happened. The pig flew. The blind saw. The quadriplegic walked. The dead breathed. The good turned dark.

"I volunteer."

A/N: Plotline plans are almost done (on a separate sheet of paper of course), I just need to make a solid ending for this book (more in the aspect of how to wrap it up, I already have an ending. And no, I'm nowhere near done with the book ;]). Woo!

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