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"Hey, check this out

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"Hey, check this out."

My roommate Tahera grabbed the TV remote and turned up the volume to listen to the big-haired blonde woman with too much makeup speaking on the screen of a big news channel.

"Really, what-"

"Shhhhh!!" Tahera hissed at me, cutting me off, and pointed toward the TV. She then turned her whole body and glued her eyes to the screen.

My eyes widened as I finally focused on the screen, and realized what was happening.

"This recording was found in a psychiatry office in Ulsan, South Korea, at 8:12 am in the morning, thanks to the emergency call of the woman that is about to be shown in this tape." Said the blonde woman, her voice narrating over the recording as it was being shown.

It was a girl, about my age, sitting and doing her job at her psychiatric office, with a man. Everything seemed normal until the woman started to get up. The man quickly stood up and blocked the door from her, and things only escalated from there.

I watched as the man almost seemed to assault her personal space, while she kept a calm face. I knew that assaulting a worker, was a felony, especially a woman. Luckily, the woman was able to escape, while the man was trapped, banging his fists on the door, and shouting. The cameras cut off, and the TV was brought back to the blonde reporter.

My eyes widened at Tahera, but she was still stuck on the screen.

"We aren't sure where the man is, but we have some idea of who he is." The reporter spoke, batting her mascara-caked eyelashes and flashing a too-white smile. "His name is Park Jimin, according to our sources, and if you happen to see him," the camera changed to a selfie of him, "please call the police immediately. Luckily, the woman is okay, and in fact, we have her with us, right now! Exclusive info!" The reporter did an awkward jig and pumped her fist in the air, which seemed like a kiddish thing to do for something her age.

"Oohh, exclusive content!" Tahera squealed and turned the volume up even more.

I rolled my eyes. The stuff Tahera was interested in was sometimes a bit ridiculous. It's not like the man actually hurt her.

However, the well-dressed woman on the tape looked nothing like she was when the screen panned over to her. She was standing next to a male reporter with his black hair slicked back, in a park scene. However, instead of nice makeup, and swept back hair, she looked like she had gone through a restless night. She had dark circles around her eyes, she had no makeup, and her hair looked like it had gotten into a fight with a bear. Mentally, she looked like she had gone through a lot, and was trying to stay awake as the man asked her questions.

However, there was a spark in her eyes. A spark that told me, that this woman had gone through a lot, a spark that beckoned to me. The weird thing was, the woman was hardly paying any attention to the man. She stood, staring at the camera shaking, her eyes huge like she was trembling and had seen a ghost. Maybe she had a fear of public speaking.

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