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Chastity was suddenly awake. It was like she had bought one of those beds on tv and actually hadn't been disappointed. She had been in a deep sleep, having a nightmare, and now she was awake. She had awoken.

Granted, she had awoken inside of a truck, but she was awake.

It truly was a great sleep, she decided. She woke up refreshed like the commercial said. She didn't have any cramps, any weird feelings, and for the first time, her mind felt clear as the air she was breathing, compared to what she had been living off of before. Disgusting hospital food, nasty language, and traumatizing treatment.

Waking didn't just mean she felt awake. It meant she was no longer under the spell of sleep - Chastity was free. Free from her lunatic hospital. She was free.

She kicked the door holding her back, and like she expected, it swung open to her command. She jumped out of the truck, careful not to snag her turquoise scrubs on a lone piece of metal hanging off of the door. She glanced backward at her hairy, smelly, bear-like companions who were still out cold, slumped over. They were not free. Oh well, she decided. They'll climb out when they feel like it.

Chastity skipped on over to the front of the truck, which was flipped over on the side of the road. As she expected, the driver was slumped over - dead, his red blood coating his seat and clothes like a messy child who had spilled their milk on themselves. She didn't feel the need to react to the badly shaven man, he was part of her enslavement. She had already known he was dead, based on a small feeling inside her, like a little conscious that told her the future. A little bug on her shoulder.

And that bug was telling her to leave the truck behind.

And so she did, in quite a quick fashion. Her feet pounded on the gravel, away from the truck, her feet leading her where ever they pleased, they had a little conscious bug too. A GPS. A guide, showing Chastity the way to the place that would help her the most.

Soon, Chastity arrived at a hotel. Her feet stopped abruptly as her eyes traveled up and down the lanky building in front of her. Her heart and mind told her that she had to be here - she was expected.

The little bug sensed others like her, and like the saying, birds of feather flock together. She was going to flock until she fit in. Waking up her feet and allowing freedom, she took one step forward into her destiny.


Sloth emerged from the closet and faced the terrified girls. He knew he looked ghostly, he purposely dressed just for that occasion. His light hair crackled in the light, giving off an eerie glow, and his clothes looked like he was the male version of a little haunting ghost girl. His eyes, thanks to some contacts, were black and dead, like Pride's soul. His skin was pale and was absolutely thrilled to scare these girls. He was not thrilled, however, to have climbed out of the pillow-heaven closet, where he could have slept for days in happiness. But it would all soon come. Once he was done with his trickery.

"Boo," he said once again, and smiled, his eyes crunching together like little macaroons, his teeth like talons.

Diligence was the only one brave enough to speak. Kindness was backed up against the wall with her head down, and Abstinence was curled up next to her, shaking.

"Boy, you interrupted my story!" Diligence yelled the first thing that came out of her mouth, happy she didn't seem as terrified as she was on the inside. Diligence's natural defense was to remain comedic in the face of utter fear, but she felt very stupid in doing so.

Sloth spoke like a ventriloquist, throwing his voice around like it was coming out of multiple speakers around the room, mumbling like he had just taken a long nap. "What story? Your other virtues didn't seem to be enjoying it. Now, look how excited they are now that I finished it." His ghostly hand motioned over to the two girls who were huddled together on the wall.

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